I was recently looking at a Steam page for a game, can’t remember which,sorry, and I noticed that the soundtrack was available.
In general, I love soundtracks, both from movies and games.
The problem is that they can be expensive, at least when I used to buy them (no, that doesn’t mean I download them now, it means I don’t listen to music much any more).
This game was around 10 Euros and the sound track was 5 Euros.
To me, that’s quite expensive – 50% the cost of the game. I’m pretty sure people would buy more if they were cheaper, although that argument is used for almost everything.
So I began to wonder how many of you actually buy the soundtracks from games.
Which reminds, some mods have even released soundtracks and if I am not mistaken, some have even sold them.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this whole issue.
27th December 2015 6 Comments