Please suggest mods for future videos

Recently, I have a seen a few videos about SP HL/HL2 mods and I don’t think they are very good (not that I think mine are), but they have a LOT of views. I think I can do better, not just better than the videos I currently produce (which are only uploaded streams and the new Minute Mods series) but also better than the ones I have seen.

I have created what I believe is the best resource for single player maps and mods and with regard to videos I am not doing a very good job of utilizing that resource.

What I would to start to do is create some videos that showcase some mods but use aspects other than the generic “Top 10 HL2 mods”. Well, I do want to do that, but I am sure there is a lot more I could do too.

12th February 2016 28 Comments

Week 06: Livestream Schedule and Giveaways

Lots of IFs and MAYBEs for this weekend I am afraid.

Firstly, Jim Partridge and I MIGHT, let me stress MIGHT be continuing his event, Critical Jim, where he brutally analyses mods. This weekend it is the almost Source Mod of the Year Uncertainty Principle Part 2. Last weekend, he and I talked about the first half.

I am waiting to hear back from him, but once I do, I will update this post and tweet the day and time.

I will also be streaming quite a lot this weekend, including a new short mod called Local Motive, which may end up being an RTSL exclusive or at least a First Seen on RTSL, which is always cool.

I should also be continuing with Strider Mountain, which will fill most the remaining time.

During the weekend, one copy of Killing Floor 2 will be given away, both courtesy of AKA Aaron’s Giveaways, so a HUGE thanks to Aaron. There might be some other games to giveaway too, I will see.

All streams will be on the RTSL Twitch Channel and announced on the RTSL Twitter Feed.

If you have any questions about the streams, just ask.

11th February 2016 3 Comments

Week 05: Livestream Schedule and Giveaways

Wow, what a weekend we have lined up for you this time! Please accept my apologies for the late notice.

First off, Darren AKA CustomGamer, continues The Ville Retrospective, where he plays the Ville mapping challenges. This weekend it is ForestVille on Saturday at 2pm GMT.

Then on Sunday, Jim Partridge continues his event, Critical Jim, where he brutally analyses mods. This weekend it is the alomost SOurce Mod of the Year Uncertainty Principle. Trying to keep him honest will be Phillip.

In addition, Phillip MAY be playing Strider Mountain and if Don is around perhaps even finish Decay!

During the weekend, two copies of Killing Floor 2 will be given away, both courtesy of AKA Aaron’s Giveaways, so a HUGE thanks to Aaron. There might be some other games to giveaway too, I will see.

All streams will be on the RTSL Twitch Channel and announced on the RTSL Twitter Feed.

ChasmVille WILL be released this weekend, maybe even on Saturday but Phillip will not be streaming the final maps.

If you have any questions about the streams, just ask.

5th February 2016 5 Comments

Cliff Cottage

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

You find yourself in a cliff-side community village overrun by headcrabs.

There’s no where to hide or run, so the only way is forward.

Do what you do best (kill anything that gets in your way) and clear the village and hope for escape.


Total Downloads: 1,5994th February 2016
24 Comments and 22 recommendations with no significant bias

February 2016 General Chat

Hi Feb, what’s up?

So, I just realized that after 31st January comes 1st February. Who knew?

I’ll update this post with a featured image etc, but I’m in a rush ATM.

Please use this post to talk about whatever you want, except maps and mods that are already listed on the site – I’ll delete those comments – you’ve been warned. I’m reminding readers because we have had an influx of new members.

1st February 2016 52 Comments

Week 04: Livestream Schedule and Giveaways

Hi all, we are still not completely back to normal, but I expect normal service to return next weekend.

First off, Don AKA Unq, continues Classic of the Month, where he plays GoldSource mods from the Hall of Fame.

This weekend he will be playing Someplace Else on Saturday at 11am EST, that’s 4pm GMT but you should double check you local time.

In addition, Phillip MAY be playing ChasmVille

During the weekend, one copy of Decent: Underground and one copy of Circuits will be given away, both courtesy of AKA Aaron’s Giveaways, so a HUGE thanks to Aaron. There might be some other games to giveaway too, I will see.

All streams will be on the RTSL Twitch Channel and announced on the RTSL Twitter Feed.

If you have any questions about the streams, just ask.

29th January 2016 4 Comments

Awards 2015 Winners

Single player maps and mods are often considered the little brother of multiplayer releases. But not here on RTSL. They take the centre stage and deservedly so in my not-so-humble opinion.

Below you will find the winners of the RTSL Awards 2015 in 6 categories. Congratulations to the winners and commiserations to the non-winners.

This was a great event and will only become bigger next year.

Oh, and talking of winners, have you seen and played the 2015WinnersVille mod? It contains the winners of all the 2015 RTSL Mapping Challenges.

For those interested, the previous three stages can be found here: Stage Three, Stage Two, and Stage One.

25th January 2016 6 Comments

2015 WinnersVille

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

An abstract experience, a city street event, a re-imagining of the original Blast Pit, a Combine base which will require all your skills, a rebel base that has been attacked, a giant water puzzle, a blocked train, a dark & scary nightmare and a bank heist with a difference.

These are what awaits you in this first of a kind release – all the winners from the 2015 mapping challenges.

Get you snacks ready, cancel your appointments and get comfy. These maps will have you transfixed for the next couple of hours.



Total Downloads: 4,05924th January 2016
41 Comments and 5 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!