
for Half-Life 2

Gordon Freeman finds himself on the sea shore with a terrible hangover.

He is surrounded by empty beer bottles a few Headcrab corpses and a bicycle.

Does not remember anything about how he got there or what happened there and the night before.

Sets off to find out and as usual gets into a bunch of “fun” activities along the way.


Total Downloads: 4,91625th March 2016
41 Comments and 11 recommendations with no significant bias

Poll Question 339 – Would you buy a HTC Vive Bundled with Half-Life 3?

Only a fool would think that Half-Life 3 will be a VR exclusive, but that doesn’t mean that some sort of tie-in with VR is impossible.

I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t followed much about Valve’s involvement with the HTC Vive but that’s mostly due to the fact I know I won’t be able to afford to buy it. If, like me, you don’t know much but want to learn more check out the Steam page.

The question is whether Valve will promote both Vive and HL3 at the same time.

17th March 2016 31 Comments

What The Headcrab: Episode 008

Howdy All. I’m a few days late with this episode but hopefully you will forgive me.

Plenty of news this podcast as well as a break from tradition.

One quick word of warning, I sometimes refer to things on the screen and if you just listen to the podcast it may seem strange. Sorry.

Also, I seem to say “Kinda” a LOT this episode, not sure why that is, again sorry.

So, let’s get started.

16th March 2016 7 Comments

Week 11: Livestream Schedule and Giveaways

First off, Don AKA Unq, continues his Classic of the Month event, where he plays a classic GoldSource release.

This weekend it is USS Darkstar on Saturday – 9am EDT, 1pm GMT. Please note that the US is already on Daylight savings, so if you are not 100% sure of the local time, please double check.

Unfortunately, that’s it so far, although if I manage to get more admin work done I MAY be playing Strider Mountain and even more of a maybe “Der Schwarze Nebel” mod!

During the weekend, one of copy of Emily Wants To Play will be given away, both courtesy of SteamContests.com AKA Aaron’s Giveaways, so a HUGE thanks to Aaron.

Don may also be giving away from his own pocket a copy of Natural Selection 2.

Even though I yhave a stinking cold, I will probably be streaming something this weekend, most likely I’ll be trying to finish Strider Mountain.

All streams will be on the RTSL Twitch Channel and announced on the RTSL Twitter Feed.

If you have any questions about the streams, just ask.

16th March 2016 3 Comments

Week 10: Livestream Schedule and Giveaways

Due to circumstances within my control but clearly beyond my limited intelligence, there are no streams scheduled for this weekend, sorry.

However, I will try to make time for a stream but can’t guarantee it.

I can say that LiberationVille WILL NOT be released this weekend. I want to have time to create a proper post and present the hard work of all the entrants properly. I understand this may disappoint many readers and I apologize for that. The weekends are the only time I get to work on the site at the moment and there just wasn’t time between the deadline (Monday 11pm and now) to create the post.

The judges have a working version of the mod, so hopefully everything will be ready for next weekend.

That reminds, I still have to send the prizes for ChasmVille, so the authors who came first, second and third expect an email soon. Also, please accept my apologies for the delay.

I certainly don’t want to spoil the mod, but I have used a screenshot from one of the maps as the featured image of this post. I haven’t played all the maps yet but suspect this challenge could become a classic.

So, that’s it from me. Have a GREAT GAMING weekend and if you see me online via Steam Friends feel free to chat with me. CYA

11th March 2016 2 Comments

Poll Question 338 – Has the release of Prospekt been good for the HL SP modding community?

Oh My Headcrab. I can’t tell you how much I wanted this to be an amazing release. I had spoken to Richard a day or two after I head about the “mod” and he told me it was actually going to be released as a full fledged game. I was so excited. Yes, the screenshots didn’t have me drooling and the voice acting whilst it was very good, was terrible as a replacement for a vortigaunt.

The thought of somebody making a game and releasing it could ignite the community to new heights.

Sure, there would be challenges ahead, especially financial, but if they have been overcome once, then they could be again.

6th March 2016 32 Comments

Week 09: Livestream Schedule and Giveaways

First off, Darren AKA CustomGamer, continues The Ville Retrospective, where he plays the Ville mapping challenges. This weekend it is VerticalVille on Saturday at 1pm GMT.

Unfortunately, that’s it so far, although if I manage to get more admin work done I MAY be playing Strider Mountain and even more of a maybe “Der Schwarze Nebel” mod!

During the weekend, a couple of copies of INFRA will be given away, both courtesy of SteamContests.com AKA Aaron’s Giveaways, so a HUGE thanks to Aaron.

Aaron is doing some great work over there and deserves a BIG shout out. For example, check out Emily Wants To Play giveaway.

All streams will be on the RTSL Twitch Channel and announced on the RTSL Twitter Feed.

If you have any questions about the streams, just ask.

2nd March 2016 4 Comments