Hunt Down The Freeman Demo

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two


“Mitchell was a marine tasked on a mission in Black Mesa. During the mission, his squad was wiped out by Gordon Freeman.

Mitchell, being the only survivor, later wakes up in a military hospital during the Seven Hour War.

He thought it was the end of it all, but it was only the beginning”


Total Downloads: 5,6257th September 2016
20 Comments and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“The end of the war for City 24 is drawing near. Most of the streets are taken over by the Resistance but the heart of the city is impenetrable for the rebels, a massive Combine stronghold surrounded by tall steel walls.

If the siege isn’t quick enough, a large reinforcement will arrive to aid the besieged and can possibly even take back the city. Fortunately, a hidden Combine depot was found deep underground near the waterworks facility that is directly connected to the stronghold.

You are a part of the strike team tasked with capturing the vital depot. You were ambushed by the Combine forces, leaving you the sole survivor. Now it’s up to you, and only you, to finish the mission or perish in the uneven struggle.”


Total Downloads: 1,2944th September 2016
4 Comments and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"

September 2016 General Chat

OK, first things first: this is Don posting now. I’m not taking over the RTSL site, but I offered to be an interim admin to keep things going while Phillip is on sabbatical.

I’m going to simply be keeping an eye on the site. The regular weekend streams of The Ville Retrospective, Classic of the Month, and Source of Fame will resume shortly and we’ll keep those going. New maps and mods will still be posted in this interim time.

In case you don’t know me, I am Don AKA Unq (short for Unquenque) – Half-Life fan and mapper since the early days. I’ve been a part of the PlanetPhillip/RTSL community for over 5 years, and I currently run the Classic of the Month streaming event where I pick a new Half-Life or Op4 mod to play.

3rd September 2016 16 Comments

BM Overtime

for Black Mesa

Although Gordon managed to survive the resonance cascade and escape the laboratories, the situation was rapidly deteriorating.

His only hope of reaching safety was the Black Mesa Transit System.

Typically the one available tram was on the far platform. With the bridging offices becoming increasingly overrun with hostile lifeforms Gordon would have to work overtime if he was to make it.


Total Downloads: 1,7233rd September 2016
10 Comments and 6 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

I’m Taking a Partial Sabbatical

Hi Everybody,

I have some surprising news.

Over the last few years I have felt increasing pressure running the site. Remember, in various forms, I have been running the site for almost exactly 13 years. That’s a long time. During that time I have spent thousands of hours working on it. I feel that I’ve done a pretty good job at promoting SP maps and mods.

Recently, it has felt more like a burden than a hobby. Every weekend is planned around streams and work that needs to be done on the site. Every week day, most my free time is spent doing something related to the site.

I need a rest. A proper rest. Not just a few weeks. Even during my “holiday” I felt obligated to check in and see what’s happening. That’s wrong.

I heard something on The Goldberg’s last night. Somebody said “I just wanna ride my bike and play video games”. And that’s exactly how I feel. It’s time for me to be a consumer not a creator.

I feel that I have been trying to promote SP Half-Life stuff alone, of course I haven’t, but that’s just how it feels. I have tried so many different projects, initiatives, ideas and events. Some have been mildly succesful, others failures, but at least I tried.

One of the reasons I renamed the site from Planetphillip to RunThinkShootLive was because I wanted more community involvement. Something more like LambdaGeneration, but that takes a lot of work and it never really had the effect I had hoped for.

I have been thinking about closing the site for a few years now and over the past few months that feeling has become stronger.

Unlike last time, which was a reaction to a big problem with ModDB, I will be giving people and myself time to transition.

2nd September 2016 103 Comments

Poll Question 358 – How many Achievements have you attained?

In What The Headcrab! Episode 19 I talked about a post on Reddit that said that only 1% of people who have played Half-Life 2 had attained all of the statistics. I couldn’t find a page that said only 1% had all achievements but I suspect it was a play on the current 1%/99% theme in today’s world.

Then later that day, I was playing a single player mappack for Black Mesa called Small Lab and I started to get some achievements. The funny thing is that I haven’t even played the game yet and when I do, I might even have most of them attained.

I’ve never been a big fan of achievements but I understand their appeal. Perhaps we could have Attain November, just like we did last year with HARD November?

18th August 2016 26 Comments

Week 33

Darren will be continuing his The Ville Retrospective event and this week it’s the turn of AmbushVille starting at 1pm UK Time on Saturday, which should be 2pm CET time.

This is the reschedule of Week 31‘s stream which had to be cancelled due to Darren’s Internet connectivity issues.

As you probably know, phillip is away on holiday, so there are no other streams scheduled – sorry.

You should double check the Time & Date.Com website for your local time.

All streams will be on the RTSL Twitch Channel and announced on the RTSL Twitter Feed.

If you have any questions about the streams, just ask.

17th August 2016 1 Comment

Poll Question 357 – Is it possible for SP mods to release too many Alpha/Beta versions?

Preparing a What The Headcrab! episode, I noticed that Above The Catacombs had 3 Alphas available at the time of writing: Alpha 0.73 – Jul 18 2016 (Called the seventh), Alpha 0.4 – Jun 27 2015 and Alpha 0.3 – Jun 2 2015.

Putting aside the time difference between 0.73 and 0.4 of almost a year, I feel that schedules for public release should be fairly limited.

In general, Alpha are internal milestones and beta are external. Of course, it doesn’t have to be that way with mods but I can’t help feeling that if you need feedback this early in development then you don’t have much confidence in your concept.

11th August 2016 9 Comments