Explore Phillip’s Collection of FPS Games – Part 1

I’m a collector of FPS games. Well, I was until about 5 years ago and then I stopped. When I moved to Spain from London about 15 years ago, I packed all my collection into boxes and put them into the basement meaning to get them out and display them. Alas, that never happened.

For the last few years I have been meaning to explore the boxes and see what I have and FINALLY I did it yesterday!

Below is the video of the livestream “event” and I certainly enjoyed it, as did the people on the stream.

People often expect me to be an expert of all these old games, but the reality is I haven’t even played 95% of them. In fact, from the list below I have only played 2!

The video last an hour and consists of me taking a game out of the box and briefly talking about it and checking the net for more information.

I’ll do one of these every week or so until I have gone through all my collection. Soon I will have the chat text as part of the video so that should make more sense when I respond to a point raised in the livestream chat.

I hope you enjoy it and also hope it will encourage you to explore your collection.

13th November 2016 12 Comments

Week 45

Last month I broke from the usual and streamed a HalloweenVille Double Feature for The Ville Retrospective. This month we’re back to going down the list.

Next up I’ll be streaming DefendVille for The Ville Retrospective. The stream will start at 10am EST on Saturday, which is 3pm GMT and 4pm CET time.

Hope to see you there! I’ll have a copy of the superb Subnautica to give away too.

11th November 2016 4 Comments

Autumn 2016 12-Hour Playathon Stream

Back in May, I did a 12-Hour Plaython, where I stream for 12 hours non-stop.

Well, you guessed it, I’m going to do it again!

Starting at 12pm Central European Time on Saturday 19th November 2016, I will be streaming for 12 hours straight – besides the occasional toilet break of course.

Last time, I just played HL games and mods but this time I think I will broaden my horizons!

I am open to any suggestions you have but I can’t guarantee I will play everything suggested, not least because I probably won’t own the game.

This coming weekend, I will be streaming a special “Box opening” event, where I open one of my basement boxes full of games and perhaps we can choose some of those.

I will still play mods if that’s what viewers want.

Last year, I streamed on my Twitch channel but this year it will be on the RTSL YouTube channel, so make sure you have booked marked that page.

Obviously, I’ll be posting on Twitter nearer the time and during the event.

I was lucky enough to be able to give 12 games away last year but I don’t know if I will be able to do it this year. If you have a game you would like to donate, please contact me.

Finally, if you have never watched a stream before and think it sounds stupid to watch another person play a game, please keep an open mind. The chat during the stream is almost as much fun as watching me make an idiot of myself and we generally have a lot of fun.

If you have any questions, please ask.

I hope to see you there.

11th November 2016 6 Comments

Poll question 361 – Would you pay for early access to Xen?

Unless you have been living under a rock, and that’s not a bad thing in today’s world, you would have seen the recent announcement by the Crowbar Collective that work on Xen is progressing well.

They have released a couple of plan screenshots for you to get excited about.

As soon as they did that, I started to wonder how many people would pay for early access, so that’s what this poll question about.

Players who have the mod version will not be getting the new levels, so if you haven’t bought the game yet, I highly recommend it. In addition, it allows you to play all of the maps released, whereas the mod version doesn’t.

8th November 2016 16 Comments

November 2016 General Chat

Hopefully everyone had an enjoyable Halloween and is having a good autumn. I personally love Halloween, and although I didn’t do a costume this year, I made sure to watch plenty of horror movies and played a few spooky games. The best movie I saw this year was definitely It Follows – it’s creepy and tense without being gory.

Things have picked up a little recently here at RTSL, with the release of Precinct 17 and Fast Detect – and of course the pending release of HalloweenVille Three!

Happy November!

2nd November 2016 6 Comments

Fast Detect

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

The experimental graphic story Fast Detect takes place in the post-apocalyptic Half-Life 2 universe and is shown from the artist’s special point of view.

Play your way through a variety of amazing settings until your reach the Nuclear Missiles.

Explore detailed and beautifully crafted locations with some hidden surprises along the way.


Total Downloads: 5,1691st November 2016
52 Comments and 9 recommendations with no significant bias

Poll Question 360 – Would you pay to try a Half-Life 3 Demo?

As soon as I heard Game were charging for VR demos, I thought would crazy Half-Life fab boys, like me!, pay for a HL3 demo?

of course, it’s a pretty open question and I want us to discuss the general idea of paying for demos and whether it would backfire for developers.

I should mention that I’m not talking about a HL3 VR release, just a regular format.

Surely to goodness you must wanna read the original BBC article.

The Video

31st October 2016 7 Comments

Week 43

Confession first: I’ve been procrastinating on my streaming lately. But I’m making it up to you with a double feature of sorts – both Classic of the Month and Source of Fame will be streamed this weekend.

Starting at 10am EDT on Saturday, which is 3pm UK time and 4pm CET time, I’ll be streaming Afraid of Monsters for Classic of the Month. I haven’t played AoM before, so I’m a little anxious given how creepy it looks. I’ve decided not to do the Director’s Cut version – and maybe save that for another Halloween.

Then, later Saturday afternoon, Dan AKA The Rabbit will be streaming Rock 24 for his Source of Fame event. His stream will be Saturday at 12pm Pacific time (3pm EDT), which is 8pm UK time and 9pm CET.

28th October 2016 2 Comments