October 2017 Classic of the Month Livestream

I tried to come up with a good spooky Classic of the Month for Halloween. I don’t really have time to try and conquer the obvious Cry of Fear this weekend, and Underhell isn’t on RTSL. So instead you’re getting something with “death” in the name. 2 SPOOKY!

So for October the Classic of the Month is Todesangst 2.

I’ll be streaming Saturday at 9am Eastern US Time (2pm in the UK, 3pm Central Europe).

You should double check the Time & Date.Com website for your local time.

As usual the stream will be on the RunThinkShootLive YouTube Channel. See you there!

20th October 2017 No Comments

Entropy Zero

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Be the bad guy in this modification for Half-Life 2 : Episode 2 and step into the boots of a stranded Metrocop, left for dead in the abandoned City 10.

Experience a time before the fall of City 17 – 11 months before the deployment of Gordon Freeman.

Bring the brutality and chaos of the Combine regime to the hidden rebel sanctuary of City 10. Endure the bitter cold as you fight your way through rebel shanties, infested tunnels and subway systems.

Survive the Combine plague, and reclaim the Combine stronghold known as ‘Pillar 10’.


Total Downloads: 15,20511th October 2017
53 Comments and 18 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Enslavement of Vortigaunts Demo

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Soon after the 7-Hour War, with Humanity defeated a survivors join the nascent rebellion.

After escaping Nihilanth’s control, Vortigaunts are forming the alliance with rebels, hoping to defeat the common enemy and return back home.

As a player, you’ll play a role of the man who survived the war and join the rebellion and prevent Alliance from completely conquering Earth.


Total Downloads: 1,0578th October 2017
13 Comments and 1 recommendation, say ""

Tunnel Woes

for Half-Life

You find yourself in a tunnel.

A familiar tunnel, but then again everything in Black Mesa looks familiar.

There’s only one way forward, so get moving.

Are you going deeper into the complex or moving towards freedom?

Only time will tell. Good Luck!


Total Downloads: 2,1637th October 2017
11 Comments and 10 recommendations, 5 say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“A few days ago, you received a letter from the Civil Protection : you’ll be relocated.

Today is the day. You’re at the trainstation to move on City 17.

However, there’s something wrong with this place…”


Total Downloads: 2,4947th October 2017
27 Comments and 9 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"

New Game Giveaway Page

I have just created a new page about the game giveaways I will be doing.

All “events” that RTSL users can win games are designed to increase participation on the site.

This post is just to let you know about the new page.

I will add an overview to the ABOUT this weekend.

Full details of the events are on the page, so go check it out!


6th October 2017 No Comments

October 2017 – General Chat

Have I mentioned it’s my birthday this month? Well, it is. One year older, one revolution around the Sun. Another 365 days gone. Used. Wasted? Experienced? Valued? Who knows.

What I can tell you is that since I heard Maggot Brain on House, M.D., there hasn’t been many days go by where I haven’t listened to it at least once.

For those that like Psychedelic Rock, here it is:

As you probably know, the site is now running on its own dedicated server. The site should be faster, at least it is for me. It’s also more expensive but I feel it’s worth it. A HUGE thanks to Mazur for setting it all up and continued help in configuring it. There is absolutely NO WAY I could have done it myself. Now that the move has been completed, I have begun updating some of the pages. You probably won’t notice anything big, but it makes the site better.

The Contact page is back and I have already begun getting spam, but okay, that’s the price you pay for making it easier to contact me. The submit page may also return.

I’ve also decided that I probably won’t be adding many videos. I feel the time is better spent elsewhere on the site. I will still do the occasional livestream but not many.

Right, that’s it for now.

What plans do you have for October?

Oh, did I mention it’s my birthday this month?

Featured image is from RoboEngineer over on Deviant Art and is today’s Half-Life Art in my Twitter series

1st October 2017 31 Comments

Now Running on a Dedicated Server

I am very pleased to announce that RTSL is now running on a dedicated server. That means, for those that don’t know, I pay to rent a whole computer in a server farm and that whole machine is mine. This should mean the site is very fast.

I have only really done 5% of the work and would like to thank Mazur for the other 95%!

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be improving the site, fixing, 404s, reinstalling the Contact and Submit pages, along with lots of small changes to layout and pages.

Registration emails should arrive much sooner as well.

If you see any issues with the site, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
It’s more expensive to run the site this way but I believe it’s worth it.

I’ll be starting a donation drive to cover the hosting costs from November.

So, that’s it. Enjoy the site and remember: FINISHING HALF-LIFE IS JUST THE BEGINNING!

24th September 2017 6 Comments

Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D.

for Half-Life

Future Games Select and Cayle George bring you a prison escape like no other!

Featuring explosive action and a soundtrack from outrun music legend Lazerhawk, Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D. is a return to the golden age of First Person Shooters.

Break from captivity, conquer the facility and discover the secrets of Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D.!


  • Full single player campaign.
  • Unlock-able bonus content.
  • Music from artist Lazerhawk.
  • Developer commentary mode.
  • …And more!

Total Downloads: 22,36121st September 2017
43 Comments and 28 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

The Hammer Cup 2017 – Challenge 4 – TeleportVille

Hello and welcome to the fourth challenge for The Hammer Cup 2017.

Below are the details.



As always, if you have any questions, you can either post a comment or if you require a private reply, send Phillip an email: [email protected]

20th September 2017 10 Comments