I’ve just finished reading Iain M. Banks’ new sci-fi novel and was thinking about his other stories. Most are novels but he released a book of short stories and there is this great little piece about a city on wheels that lays down a road made from the skulls of its dead enemies. This led… Read More
Centrifuge for Hypergravity Testing
The player enters room and warning lights come on as well as loudspeaker system: “Warning, the centrifuge begins spinning in 30 seconds…Warning, the centrifuge begins spinning in 28 seconds…etc.
The player has to find either a way out (Not possible) or find somewhere safe to hide. The only place is inside the pod. Once inside the player’s HUD changes to display spin time remaining and current G’s.
11th November 2004 No Comments
Could this replace the gaming mouse?
I found a gadget at Think Geek that with some adaptation could replace the mouse for gaming. Yes, this one is still a mouse, but wait until you hear what I have planned for it. Why not simply make it into a gun-shaped mouse? The trigger finger could have two buttons; the trigger itself and another that is pressed instead of pulled. The three fingers could each have buttons with maybe clips to keep the fingertips in place. And lastly the thumb could definitely have a button and maybe a wheel.
I found a gadget at Think Geek that with some adaptation could replace the mouse for gaming. Yes, this one is still a mouse, but wait until you hear what I have planned for it. Why not simply make it into a gun-shaped mouse? The trigger finger could have two buttons; the trigger itself and another that is pressed instead of pulled. The three fingers could each have buttons with maybe clips to keep the fingertips in place. And lastly the thumb could definitely have a button and maybe a wheel.
7th November 2004 3 Comments
Mission Impracticable 2for Half-Life
About I can’t tell you much because it’s all in Russian! Filename: mi2.zip Size: 4.07Mb Here is a web translation: “Direct continuation is mode Mission Impracticable. It begins the modes of the skriptovoy of stsenkoy, which will make it necessary to recall Half- bodice and it will certainly cause only positive emotions:) game itself begins… Read More
Total Downloads: 9964th November 2004
and 3 recommendations, say ""
Improvable and Transferable Physical Attributes
Intro This post is intended for FPSs but could be adapted for other genres and because I’ve only played a few games in one genre it may have already been proposed/used, in which case I apologize now. I’m not trying to steal the idea! Also, for me it’s just an idea to talk about and… Read More
1st November 2004 1 Comment
The Corridor – Mod Story Idea
Story Intro A suited man walks towards the security reception area, pauses at the desk while the guard checks his ID. “Morning Mr Johnson, you’re in early today”. “Yeah, got a lot of database reconfiguration to do”. He continues past the desk and towards a lift. As the doors open a female voice announces:
21st October 2004 1 Comment
Why play as one character when you can play as three?

The last three novels I’ve read have had three stories running simultaneously that join towards the end of the book. Each story has a different main character. I think this may be interesting to use in an FPS game. I believe the important point would be to have three different stories that are clearly linked (maybe not at the beginning) not just three different characters/settings. Each story/character should provide some insight or forewarning about the other storylines.
14th October 2004 7 Comments
Intro This idea is focused towards the Half Life universe but with a little adaptation could be used in other settings. Insane? The Prison guards are dragging you down the corridor. You are fighting as if you life depended on it. Suddenly there is a huge expolsion and the wall at the end of the… Read More
13th October 2004 No Comments
Am I real? – Mod Story Idea
Here’s another mod story idea, this one was first conceived for Half Life, but it could be used for another game with the right theme. As with my other mod story ideas I will start by setting the scene with my crappy 50’s-style writing and then explain the basic story outline after that. The opening… Read More
3rd October 2004 2 Comments
Half-Life Emergency Demofor Half-Life
Basic Details Title: Half-Life Emergency Demo File Name: demo.exe Size : 6.7Mb Author: Megasis Studios Date Released: 01 October 2004 Download: Unknown Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations
Total Downloads: 01st October 2004
12th November 2004 No Comments