I’ve played, or should I say, started to play, a few 3rd person shooters. Splinter Cell Demo (I think), Metal Gear Solid (Again, I think. That’s the the Snake guy, right?) and maybe a few others, but I hated them. Seriously, I really disliked them.
Adnan’s Rotational Gravity Gunfor Half-Life 2
About This is a REALLY useful gameplay mod I found recently for Half-Life 2. It allows you to rotate an object that you have picked up with the gravity gun. Simply press the USE key and move the mouse. Installation is as easy as placing the extracted folder in your Sourcemod folder and selecting it… Read More
Total Downloads: 021st November 2006
and 1 recommendation, say ""
Text Interview with Henley Bailey and Richard Acherki
With the recent release of Rock 24 I thought PP readers might like to hear what the two developers had to say about designing the mod.
Below you will find a brief interview with Henley Bailey & Richard Acherki.
20th November 2006 17 Comments
End of Level Secrets Stats
About I’m nearly finished play Star Trek Elite Force 2 and at the end of each level, the image to the right appears just before you exit. It sounds good in principle but the designers didn’t really think it through.
19th November 2006 3 Comments
Zero Point Manipulator – Hazard Coursefor Half-Life 2
A hazard course specifically designed to use the Zero Point Manipulator (Gravity Gun). The player will face three challenges, the last one a timed challenge. Don’t expect any easy course, because it’s not.
Total Downloads: 63319th November 2006
Rock 24for Half-Life 2
The mod takes place on a previously abandoned cliffside prison. The combine have moved in and are re-using the prison as a place to hold rebel leaders. Gordon is required to infiltrate, free the Rebel leader and escape from the facility.
Total Downloads: 2,29217th November 2006
and 16 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Poll Question 005 – What type of weapon do you prefer?
Weapons are a curious thing. We all have our favorite and will fight and argue to the death to defend our choice.
In fact they can make or break a game. Weapons can be broken down into two types: Conventional Weapons (shotgun, pistol, machine gun, grenades etc) and Sci- Fi Weapons (Gluon guns, Hivehands, pulse rifles etc.
So, this weeks poll question is simple; which do you prefer?
17th November 2006 19 Comments
A.I. Cards Coming?
I need to buy a new graphics card and I want to buy a physics card. Probably the same is true for many of you. Well maybe the day will come when you need to buy an A.I. card!
At the time of writing this post I had just posted Poll Question 4 which was related to game A.I., graphics and physics cards. If the graphics and physics need cards why not the A.I.?
10th November 2006 11 Comments
Poll Question 004 – What is the most important aspect of a game?
There’s no doubt that game graphics have improved tremendously over the last few years, the same seems to be happening with game physics.
Unfortunately, game A.I. is lagging behind.
I’m sure things will improve but who knows when?
10th November 2006 13 Comments
10 Ways To Diefor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “The second map from the “…waystodie” series. Not really expecting to make a third, but that would be excellent, if I hadn’t rattled my brain trying to come up with new things for this map. But here’s the second in the series, I guess it’s sort of also a take on “5MoreWaysToDie” for… Read More
Total Downloads: 06th November 2006
and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Now!"
23rd November 2006 20 Comments