Introduction PS3, Halo 3 and Gears of War have been in the news a LOT recently and now that wii has been released we will no doubt be urinated on with more coverage. (that’s a small play on words there in case you missed it!). Anyway, I don’t own a console for a number of… Read More
Fractured Facadefor Half-Life 2
About This is a single player half life 2 map. It does not support HDR. This map includes an autosave system, so if you ever get stuck, just load up the most recent auto save. The map consists mainly of puzzles, although you will probably be shot at. Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations
Total Downloads: 6048th December 2006
Tangentfor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “This level was created as coursework for my Games Engines & Physics module at Staffordshire University as part of my Computer Games Design degree. The brief was to create a level in the source engine (we had created a level in the Unreal engine in the first semester) based around Staffordshire University, Beaconside… Read More
Total Downloads: 9018th December 2006
Base Maps
I recently came across a mapper called Captain Amerika who has been making base maps for FarCry. What are base maps you ask? Well read on to find out!
8th December 2006 2 Comments
Wish List 2007
introduction Throughout the world many millions of children will be writing letters to Santa Claus, listing the present they want, well here is my wish list for gaming in 2007. Can you guess what they are?
5th December 2006 18 Comments
Gamovie – Is it a Game or is it a Movie?
Introduction Whilst writing another post due later this week, I was thinking how cool it would be if you could completely blur the line between a movie and a game. Now I know this is a constant topic among game designers but give me a chance. This is just a concept, not a concrete proposal.… Read More
3rd December 2006 21 Comments
Poll Question 007 – What kind of puzzle do you prefer?
There are a few different types of puzzles used in FPS games but the most obvious are Jumping, Logistical (Press this button, get the power supply etc.) and Physics.
Now, having to choose one is difficult because it depends on the implementation.
PLEASE NOTE: The map is for illustration purposes only. I’m not asking if you prefer THIS map.
1st December 2006 18 Comments
Heavily Armedfor Half-Life
About Your software development firm has been awarded a contract from a top-secret organization to assist them in the development of a classified software application. Upon being awarded the contract you catch a flight to go meet with the directors at their new office complex over the weekend. On arrival you are informed that the… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,26027th November 2006
and 3 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
DxEntryfor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “Ok, I’m back, here’s map i threw together this weekend, no enemies, no real purpose other than showing off some texture work i did. This map isn’t meant to be for general gameplay, and as such doesn’t contain ANY AI. Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations
Total Downloads: 58026th November 2006
Poll Question 006 – Which type of enemy do you prefer to play against?
The types of enemies we face are very important. If they are too difficult, then it spoils the game, too easy and it makes the game boring.
They have to fit with the overall theme of the game and they need to be varied. There are essentially two types of enemy: umanoid (Bipedal – Two legs, standing upright) and Non-Humanoid (Everything else! Headcrabs, Antlions etc).
This weeks questions is simple: Which do you prefer to play against?
24th November 2006 20 Comments
8th December 2006 17 Comments