Author’s Note “This single player story is set in the ruins of an “ancient South American civilization” (a mix of some of them to be precise). The story is quite simple. Scientists have detected a strong energy signal coming from those ruins and have established themselves there to investigate. Unfortunately they are not alone, and… Read More
School Adventuresfor Half-Life 2
About A re-creation of the author’s school, including sewers, underground areas and secret Combine labs. Geez, I wish my school had been as cool as this one sounds. Enjoy! Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 2 recommendations, average score: 4 (out of 5), standard deviation: 1 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 1,81018th March 2007
and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Now!"
Poll Question 022 – Will the release of Black Mesa reinvigorate the HL2 SP modding community?
There’s little doubt that Black Mesa is the best known SP mod under development. I think we all agree that SP development for FPS games is a little flat at the moment. In a recent discussion about why the HL1 modding scene was more vibrant than HL2, it was suggested that the textures, enemies and weapons allowed HL1 developers more possibilities and scope.
16th March 2007 12 Comments
Poll Question 021 – Is video gaming portrayed badly in the mainstream media?
I have just finished watching an episode of Stargate Atlantis entitled The Game. It will be unavoidable for me to discuss this episode without spoiling the plot for you, so if you haven’t already seen it and would like to watch it without my biased opinion I suggest you stop reading now!
9th March 2007 10 Comments
Hammer Made Easy
Introduction As many of you know I plan to start making my own maps soon and feel that the resources available are not as good as they should be. I have discussed it many times before and won’t bore you again today. However I do want to talk about Hammer.
8th March 2007 34 Comments
Poll Question 020 – Would you actually pay for a mod?
The mod community is probably the biggest difference between PC and console games, for me anyway. As the mod community has grown in size so has the quality of mods being produced and released. This is, no doubt, in part due to the fact that the games themselves have improved in all areas, most noticeably in graphics.
2nd March 2007 32 Comments
Poll Question 019 – Is Using A Walkthrough Cheating?
Following on from last week’s poll question about using cheat codes, here is this week’s question:
Is Using A Walkthrough Cheating?
23rd February 2007 40 Comments
Nextfor Half-Life 2
About This is a four-level single player mod from a first-time author. Some of the buildings and open spaces have been taken from the original game. Basic Details Title: Next File Name: hl2-sp-next.7z Size : 16.14MB Author: Dmitry Voropay Date Released: 29 November 2006 Download Options Download to your HDD [16.1MB] Screenshots Click on the… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,08821st February 2007
and 3 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Day Of Redemption: Chapter 1for Half-Life 2
About After three months of civil war, the Combine Forces together with the Civil Protection controls City-17 once again. They now rule the city with an iron hand, crushing everyone who opposes them. Only a few citizens has yet the courage to confront them. You are one of them… Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,51218th February 2007
and 4 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
HW Upgradefor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “My first Mod/Mappack di Half-life2 (single player) that it has cost to me more than 1 year and means of job (to intermittenza) It tells the history of 1 customer who scale the board until arriving to Admin (than ambiguous history) the Mod/Mappack is dedicated completely to the forum of Hw-upgrade (w*” Basic… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,21116th February 2007
and 6 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 1,80319th March 2007
70 Comments and 9 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"