A short but intense beta map of a warehouse on a cliffside. It was supposed to be part of something larger but it seems that something was never released.
City 17 Episode 1 PreRelease
I just finished playing most of a beta for City 17 Episode 1. I stopped playing before the end of the beta and you’ll have to read on to find out if I loved it or hated it!
10th May 2008 11 Comments
Poll Question 082 – Is the Gman good or evil?
I was surprised by the voting last week and could be again this week.
Is the Gman good or evil?
10th May 2008 27 Comments
Abandoned Manorfor Half-Life 2
Find your way through a mysterious, abandoned mansion filled with zombies. Survival won’t be easy…
Total Downloads: 79110th May 2008
and 2 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Rebel Runners – Mod Story Idea
I have decide to publish an idea I have been playing with on and off for a while but now realize I have little chance of completing.
I have done this in the hope that somebody with the required skills and motivation will choose to work on it.
I have little doubt that there are some technical challenges that need to be solved before it can be completed but those challenges are not insurmountable.
9th May 2008 2 Comments
Moral Puzzle Idea
As I was writing something for the Learning Center project an idea popped into my head…
8th May 2008 10 Comments
Text Interview with the Strider Mountain Team
I managed to steal a few minutes to ask the Strider Mountain Team a few questions.
4th May 2008 10 Comments
Star Wars Test Modfor Half-Life
This is a beta of a Star Wars themed mod that I don’t believe was ever released. If anybody can add any information please contact me and I will update the details
Total Downloads: 2,2314th May 2008
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Poll Question 081 – Would you like to hear Gordon Freeman speak in Episode 3?
I have a feeling that the answer to this week’s poll question will be the most one-sided ever. However, I have been wrong before, and I am sure I will be again.
Would you like to hear Gordon Freeman speak in Episode 3?”
3rd May 2008 25 Comments
The Escapefor Half-Life 2: Episode One
“Find your way to the surface – if you can. Wade through zombies and meet up with your squad. Will salvation await you at the top?”
Total Downloads: 98728th April 2008
and 3 recommendations, most say "Think Twice"
Total Downloads: 1,13311th May 2008
9 Comments and 7 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"