A mod that branches the story from the ending of Half-Life 1.
Poll Question 103 – What time of day do you prefer to play SP mods?
Actually I think it does, especially for certain types of mods. I’m not sure how much fun dark, scary mods would be at 10:00am in the mornign. Even if you had the curtain closed, the ambient noise and your state of mind all play a part.
16th November 2008 15 Comments
Outbreak: Episode Onefor Half-Life 2
The Outbreak Series is a number of episodic modifications. Based on the events of the Raccoon City zombie outbreak, each episode will tell the story of an ordinary man or women and what they did during the downfall of Raccoon City. The Outbreak Series will include: Single Player short games. Featuring classic Resident Evil objects and story related elements.
Total Downloads: 1,60816th November 2008
and 7 recommendations with no significant bias
Combine Force: Citadel City 17for Half-Life 2
“In this mod you play as part of the Combine. Your objective is to defend City 3 from the hoards of Zombies and rebels. You start under the city and work your way to the surface, from there you move onto Ravenholm and then you acquire a vehicle and travel through the sandtraps. Onto Nova Prospekt and back to the city again. Your final act of defensive is the sacrifice of the Citadel City itself – You must destroy it rather than let the Zombies and rebels take control.”
Total Downloads: 1,71016th November 2008
and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Night Terror- PreReleasefor Half-Life 2: Episode One
“I have decided to release a little alpha version of Night Terror to the Half-Life community.”
Total Downloads: 08th November 2008
and 4 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Now!"
Game Community Academy
We don’t need to learn how to play games. This particular activity is natural. We do need to learn the mechanics and rules of each particular game to excel in it. The basic concept of “play” is inbuilt in all of us. For others the concept of creativity is also in built. However, unlike playing games, creating games is a little harder.
8th November 2008 4 Comments
Asdafor Half-Life 2
A mod based on a real location in the United Kingdom, in fact it’s a supermarket!
Total Downloads: 1,9402nd November 2008
and 12 recommendations, 6 say "Maybe?"
Poll Question 102 – If Valve were to start selling add-on weapons would you buy them?
I feel that there is an opportunity for the community to sell the best creations to other players via Steam. There are many issues that would need to be organized but let’s keep this discussion to the concept itself.
1st November 2008 9 Comments
Das Robossfor Half-Life 2
Combine forces are in the process of constructing a huge robot in an abandoned government fallout shelter outside City 17. The robot, codenamed “Das Roboss”, is the most destructive Combine creation yet. It makes Striders look like daddy long-legs.
Total Downloads: 6,5681st November 2008
and 25 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Reminiscences of a Gamer
A little while ago I asked readers to submit articles and features for me to publish on the site. A regular reader, Mel, decided to write a short piece about his first memories of gaming. It was such a great piece that I decided to request other readers do the same.
29th October 2008 6 Comments
Total Downloads: 1,31118th November 2008
38 Comments and 13 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it