August 2018 – General Chat

I just looked at the July 2018 General Chat post and it talks about it raining. Guess what? It’s raining now. I just got back from my bike ride and was absolutely soaked – I love it!

So here we are August. I’ve got some things planned for the site, updates etc and hopefully some HL1 mapping too. I’ll try to start and finish one game as well.

What about you, what do you have planned?

OH, starting this month, I will be embedding the Half-Life Art and Half-Life Proverbs tweets into the comments of this post. Mostly for those people who don’t use Twitter.

Can you guess the name of the mod shown in the image above? It’s called Capital Punishment. I can’t link to it in a spoiler, so you will have to search the site for it.

1st August 2018 18 Comments


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Weapons galore sit on two tables in front of you.

Collect them and go forth to eliminate any enemies you find in your way.

Expect fierce resistance and no regard for their personal safety.


Total Downloads: 1,22031st July 2018
17 Comments and 16 recommendations, 8 say "Play It Later"

City 13

for Half-Life 2

You find yourself in what seems to be a deserted city – City 13.

There is a prisoner you have been sent to rescue or kill.

Find him and eliminate all resistance.


Total Downloads: 1,17930th July 2018
23 Comments and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Hill Valley 2015

for Half-Life 2

You have a task. Kill Breen. The place you find yourself feels like something from an old movie.

It’s not pretty but it is functional.

The layout requires careful observation to get where you need to get to.

Don’t forget about Breen!


Total Downloads: 1,01729th July 2018
14 Comments and 9 recommendations with no significant bias

City 14

for Half-Life 2

Life in City 14 is less user-friendly than in City 17. Civilian Protection are more and more oppressive, and civilian beatings are commonplace.

You are teleported into a weird building and you have lost your memory.

Your awakening and arrival will cause some events that you need to deal with.


Total Downloads: 1,58628th July 2018
34 Comments and 12 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it


for Half-Life 2

A straightforward map with a series of rooms that finish with a final fight with 3 Rebels.

You are taken through a few different styles of rooms and encounter zombies and Combine.


Total Downloads: 1,17827th July 2018
20 Comments and 13 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Experimental Fuel

for Half-Life 2

As Month Python used to say, “And Now for Something Completely Different!

This map has NO combat. There are NO puzzles.

So why the heck have I added it then? Because it’s fun, that’s why.

Take a Koke bottle into space. Really.

Go enjoy it.


Total Downloads: 1,14726th July 2018
27 Comments and 12 recommendations with no significant bias

Drew Mobley’s Prison Break

for Half-Life 2

So, the plan is real simple, Gordon. You and Crazy will charge in, grab some guns, and let us out of the cells.

Once we’re out, well…we’ll figure it out from there.

Talk to Crazy when you’re ready, he’s probably watching the zombies again.

Good luck…we’re counting on you.


Total Downloads: 2,84125th July 2018
28 Comments and 22 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Nuclear Plant

for Half-Life 2

Time for a blast from the past!

Take a journey into a nuclear power plant. Can you find all the secrets and enemies?

The secret areas are well hidden. Doom fans will love this.

Enjoy and let the mayhem begin.


Total Downloads: 1,45024th July 2018
25 Comments and 15 recommendations with no significant bias


for Half-Life 2

Gordon Freeman is imprisoned at a Courthouse. He must escape before the GMan puts him out of commission. The courthouse security is tight, as the famed Freeman must not be allowed to leave the premise before he is sentenced. P.S. This is a new version of an old map. The gameplay has been modified after the author reviewed the comments of all the playtesters. Enjoy.


Total Downloads: 1,93223rd July 2018
21 Comments and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"