Welcome to Challenge Number 09.
If you don’t know what the Challenge Series 2009 is all about, please read the Introduction.
Onto the ninth and penultimate challenge.
Welcome to Challenge Number 09.
If you don’t know what the Challenge Series 2009 is all about, please read the Introduction.
Onto the ninth and penultimate challenge.
Your brother has been taken by combine and your mission to get your brother back.
Your brother is in the Resistance but you prefer a more concilitary approach.
Unfortunately your brother is arrested by the Combine and tortured until he revealed some rebel secrets.
Total Downloads: 2,9609th November 2009
and 19 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
I believe that we have a duty to share something we love if we feel it is beneficial to others. Playing Half-Life games falls into this category for me.
I am probably older than you, sure I’m not the oldest visitor to this site (He is around 80 years old I think) but older than most. Most of my friends have children and don’t really play PC games, well maybe the occasional game on the Wii, but that’s it.
9th November 2009 13 Comments
Welcome to Challenge Number 08.
If you don’t know what the Challenge Series 2009 is all about, please read the Introduction.
Onto the Eighth challenge.
4th November 2009 13 Comments
Continue where Escape 1 finished. This time you get more rebel friends and even a rocket launcher!
That’s the good new. The bad news is that some of the mod is outside and it’s dark.
Watch out for those zombies!
Total Downloads: 1,3641st November 2009
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Shock! Horror! Surprise! You have to escape from a prison.
Conveniently there is an explosion and that is the start of your escape.
You even get some rebels to help you.
Total Downloads: 1,4311st November 2009
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
I can’t believe I haven’t asked this question before.
They way we play must affect the types of maps and mods we prefer, to waht degreee I don’t know, but I am sure it does.
I also wonder whether we change our playing style as we get better and older.
What do you think?
1st November 2009 15 Comments
Sickening Sanity takes place in the sleepy town of Stillbury.
As government forces suddenly take up position around the abandoned Stillbury Hospital, you, as an unnamed protagonist, decide to investigate the matter further.
Can you survive the ancient horrors that stir in the bowels of the old building?
Total Downloads: 2,1751st November 2009
and 9 recommendations with no significant bias
Welcome to Challenge Number 07.
If you don’t know what the Challenge Series 2009 is all about, please read the Introduction.
Onto the seventh challenge.
28th October 2009 5 Comments
After waking up in the rubbish, you realize you need to get across to the other side of town.
Apparently a plane awaits you that can take you to safety.
Work your way through the sreets and even some sewers, join with a few rebels and get to that plane!
Total Downloads: 1,49825th October 2009
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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11th November 2009 12 Comments