Northern Petrol Storage Area

for Half-Life 2

Starting in what looks coastal town, you find yourself up against a constant barrage of Combine soldiers.

Often ways looked block but with your trusty crowbar a way can be found through.

Once you beat the APC you are one step closer to freedom. Or are you?


Total Downloads: 1,78426th August 2018
23 Comments and 16 recommendations, 6 say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2

You find yourself in a brick maze. You have a crowbar but health, suit charge, the pistol, ammo and grenades can be “bought”.

You earn “gold” by killing enemies.

Metrocops and fast headcrabs are worth 4, zombies and normal headcrabs are worth 2.


Total Downloads: 75325th August 2018
13 Comments and 11 recommendations, most say "Think Twice"

The 72-Second Experiment Challenge

Let me put it simply: You have 72 hours to make a map with EXACTLY 72 seconds of playtime.

We often talk about how it’s better to have shorter, more polished maps than longer weaker ones. By “polished”, we do not just mean visuals (lighting, textures, environmental art), but also gameplay, interaction, storytelling, soundscapes etc.

You can make your map action packed or only have a few interactions. It could be a beautiful scene that the player walks through and relaxes, a non-stop gunfight, or anything in between.

For example, you could create a map that can be finished in 72-seconds but only if done perfectly. That would allow replayability in trying to find the optimum way to complete the map.

You can simply submit a map that can be played in one 72-second sitting.

There is an OPTIONAL template for you to use, that fades in from black, lasts 72 seconds and then fades out. The fades last 1 second each. Mappers may extend the “black screen” time at either or both ends of the map, to display text.

Ideally, we would like the text to be kept to a minimum. Everything should really be contained within the 72-seconds gameplay.

Locations, events, style of map are all open. The only limitation is the 72 seconds.

Be aware that the minimum AND maximum playtime of the map is 72 seconds. Don’t think that you can create a huge map and allow the player to reach certain points and autosaves. That is not the idea we are looking for.

If your map lasts longer than 72-seconds after the fade-in, it will be considered a bonus map.


11am UTC Monday 27th August 2018

That’s 72 hours.

24th August 2018 6 Comments

5 Ways to Die by d_sparks

for Half-Life 2

Choices. We face them everyday. But they don’t often come with life or death consequences.

Today, they do.

Choose wisely, there are subtle clues placed within the map to help you (I never flipping saw them! – Phillip).


Total Downloads: 88024th August 2018
19 Comments and 12 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Just Like Rebel

for Half-Life 2

Short map inside a very tall secret Combine prison.

Work your way up and down the levels to find the exit into sunshine and fresh air.

The second map was never finished.


Total Downloads: 1,70923rd August 2018
15 Comments and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"

As I Lay Dying

for Half-Life 2

Play through two beta maps; Tram Ride, which is okay, and Cave, which is pretty cool.

The mod was never finished or released, so this is all we have.

I got an “A.I. Disabled” message when I died in the second map and nothing I tried removed it, so be careful not to die, otherwise you will have to restart the map from the beginning!


Total Downloads: 1,19222nd August 2018
42 Comments and 9 recommendations with no significant bias


for Half-Life 2

DoomEd is a single-player first person shooter learning game that combines science and history with FPS action, taking players through the horror of bio-terrorism and WWII chemical experimentation gone wrong.

The backstory mixes factual content (the WW2 experiments at Porton Down, Chemical Defence Experimental Station, ‘urban exploration’ in disused London underground stations) with fiction and fantasy (a lost labyrinth populated with human mutants and military personnel who believe the war is still going on).

The action is set in the labyrinth of lost London underground stations and tunnels that have not been in operation for over fifty years. The game follows the conventions of FPS gameplay – interweaving between orientation/exploration and action/warfare with mutants but replacing puzzles with science-based problems and puzzles, drawing on appropriate aspects of the KS4 science curriculum.


Total Downloads: 2,00321st August 2018
31 Comments and 12 recommendations with no significant bias

Night of a Million Zombies: Tunnels

for Half-Life 2

The zombies are beginning to fight back.

No longer will they allow millions of their kind to be slaughtered.

They have introduced new tactics.

Search the area carefully and find all the weapons and even a vehicle.

Use them to kill as many zombies as your heart desires.


Total Downloads: 1,14120th August 2018
6 Comments and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Third Party

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

A train engineer, vital to the resistance’s plans, has been captured.

Normally, all rebels are executed quite soon after capture.

He hasn’t been. There are also other signs of unusual activity.

Something strange is about to happen.

You have been sent in to rescue the engineer and any other resistance members being held captive.


Total Downloads: 2,91619th August 2018
18 Comments and 15 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

Night of a Million Zombies: Original

for Half-Life 2

This arena set in the back streets of an old industrial town is made up of 4 main alley ways that join together to form a square with 4 streets leading of each side. From down these streets come the zombie hordes that want to supple on you delicious organs. You can’t go down these streets, so stay off them, there is nothing for you there.

The arena has a number of nooks and crannies that are worth exploring because that is where you will find the weapons you crave so much. A couple of weapons can be found lying on the floor but the rest you will have to search for, which is quite hard when there’s a gang of zombies mobbing you. (apparently the gravity guy was delivered to that area in a very strong box, hint hint, nudge nudge)”


Total Downloads: 1,06718th August 2018
9 Comments and 7 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"