Another escape from the jail map, nothing more, nothing less.
Rainmeter and a Half-Life 2 style desktop
I received an interesting email from Joe Albericci AKA ThePengu a few days ago and I thought I’d share the content with you.
He told me about a a desktop customization platform called Rainmeter, whilst I had never heard of that particular application, I was aware of these types of applications. The whole thing looks pretty cool and I am running it as I type, although I am yet to find the right skin for me.
18th July 2010 6 Comments
The 7 Year Cycle?
I was recording Podcast17 yesterday and was speaking about a mod I added a few days ago called Minimicus.
There’s nothing remarkable about this mod, although it is good fun and well produced, but the interesting things is that it is 7 years old. In gaming, that’s a loooong time.
18th July 2010 14 Comments
Poll Question 181 – Should mod makers be expected to support and update their mods over a number of years and engines updates?
You probably are aware that a recent engine update by Valve caused a lot of mods to stop working. At the time of writing and to my knowledge Valve had neither acknowledged the issue nor apologized. Fine, that’s how they treat the people who put bread on their table, that’s their choice. I don’t like it but there’s nothing I can do about it.
However, the community, lead by gorpie, a PP and Steam Forum regular, have worked very hard to find fixes, patches, solutions and hacks to get the mods working again.
16th July 2010 35 Comments
Deserted Russian Spaceport – Real Theme
These images are not as spectacular as some of the others in the Real Themes category, but with a similar style to the first level of 99 Bolts: Chasing Winona (POC), I think it could make a great start to a mod.
14th July 2010 12 Comments
Minimicusfor Half-Life
The scientists at Black Mesa have invented a shrinking machine. They are shrinking Xen creatures in order to make them easier to control.
Two shrunken Gonarchs have escaped and are breeding in the civilian community. The Marines have once again been called in to
Total Downloads: 2,91214th July 2010
and 12 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Poll Question 180 – Is there a difference between achievements and finishing a game?
There´s a thread on the forums where, GypsyJim, a PP reader, asks a question related to achievements: Does anybody bother? The discussion moved onto whether achievements were fun and then to the difference between achievements and finishing a game.
It´s an interesting topic that I felt deserved a wider audience, so here it is as a poll question
9th July 2010 18 Comments
Condominiumfor Half-Life 2
This map was originally created for Zombie Panic: Source but converted by the author into an SP map.
You are in a Condominium and need to restart the generator to get the lights back on.
All the time you will be attacked by various headcrab-based enemies.
Total Downloads: 9729th July 2010
and 3 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Slums 2 Extendedfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
You are disorientated and lost. You regain full awareness in what looks to be a storage room in an apartment block.
Work your way through a variety of environments to find your way to freedom.
Total Downloads: 3,2827th July 2010
and 22 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Poll Question 179 – Would you like to see a mod break the fourth wall?
In case you don’t know, the Fourth Wall is the imaginary “wall” at the front of the stage in a traditional three-walled box set.
I don’t know if it’s used for gaming or even if it’s been broken in games or mods before, but I thought it would make an interesting question.
Personally, I think it would be fun in a humorous mod but not in a serious mod because it would break the immersion for me.
If it has been used in mods, which ones?
2nd July 2010 33 Comments
Total Downloads: 1,67718th July 2010
5 Comments and 3 recommendations with no significant bias