Cenodrome: The Lost Sub-Basement of TWHL Tower

for Half-Life

Cenodrome is a small standalone map made in the mold of the TWHL Tower maps. Put together by regulars at The Whole Half-Life site, TWHL Tower was a collaborative mapping project where each mapper constructed a small floor of the tower, and each floor was joined to others by a stairway. Cenodrome is the long lost sub-basement of that tower.


Total Downloads: 2,5163rd September 2018
16 Comments and 8 recommendations with no significant bias


for Half-Life 2

Ammo is in short supply, so use it sparingly.

In fact, why don’t you use the grenades that the Combine soldiers through?

Find all the switch and reach the suitcase.

They are not easy to find though!


Total Downloads: 3,0122nd September 2018
27 Comments and 9 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Now!"

Deadly Cargo

for Half-Life 2

You ARE the deadly cargo!

You are being transported somewhere but foolishly they left a crowbar in your “cell”.

You have waited until the train has stopped and now it’s time to escape.


Total Downloads: 1,5341st September 2018
12 Comments and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

September 2018 – General Chat

Well, it’s back to work for me soon. I’ve had all of August off and reduced hours in July, so September always feel really hard. That said, it’s nice to get back into a routine and I hope to keep some sort of update schedule going, but certainly not one release per day!

I will also begin mapping again and may start livestreaming practice at the weekends.

I am actually on a holiday until 6th August, visiting the UK.

What about you, what do you have planned?

Let me tell you about some changes. I have limited by tweets. I have stopped the Half-Life Art and other series, like Half-Life Proverbs. They got me lots of retweets, likes and responses but the reality is that it’s not part of RTSL core objectives. Stuff like that is better suited to Lambda Generation.

I may begin to post more mod images etc and I would love to post more mod news, but I don’t have time to constantly check ModDB.

I’ll be publishing my objectives for 2019 in November, but essentially I am going to try to limit myself to updating the site and mapping.

Can you guess the name of the mod shown in the image above? It’s called Half-Life: Echoes I can’t link to it in a spoiler, so you will have to search the site for it.

1st September 2018 19 Comments

The Lambda Cup 2018 – Challenge 4 – PhaseVille

Hello and welcome to Challenge 4 in the Lambda Cup, a series of five Source single player mapping challenges.

If you are new to my mapping challenges, please see the event’s homepage: THE LAMBDA CUP 2018 as well as the CALENDAR of the mapping challenges for the entire 2018.

Theme Details

The tagline of Half-Life is “Run. Think. Shoot. Live.”. You should know that but not everybody does. That’s where the name of this website comes from.

One of my favourite Villes was RunThinkShootLiveVille. It allowed mappers a chance to create small sections, each with a clear objective; both for the mapper and the player. Each phase was clear, precise and compelling.

For this challenge, we would like you to choose one verb from each phase and blend them into a seamless whole map:
Phase 1: Find / Escape / Ride
Phase 2: Solve / Fight / Evade
Phase 3: Drive / Descend / Chase
Phase 4: Live / Die / Fate Unknown

We are looking for natural flow between each phase. You CAN NOT change the order of the phases.

You are allowed to replace ONE of the verbs in the first 3 phases with one of your own choosing. That’s one replacement total allowed, and it’s optional – so if you like the list you can stick to those choices.

There is one new rule this time [about affecting other maps], so please, please please, read all the rules carefully.


The deadline for submission is 11pm GMT Monday 24th September 2018

31st August 2018 4 Comments

Nuclear Bunker

for Half-Life 2

A nuclear missile’s headed your way. A nuclear bunker is right behind you. But its door is shut.

You have two minutes to find a way inside.

Talk to the people and see if you can decipher their words.


Total Downloads: 1,49931st August 2018
10 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Citadel Arena

for Half-Life 2

Quite a small arena where the enemies, Combine soldiers and Combine Elite, spawn at one end of the area and simply run towards you.

Regular ammo and health drops from a shute.

It’s close combat in a rectangle room.


Total Downloads: 81330th August 2018
12 Comments and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it


for Half-Life 2

Strange Combine structures can be found inside this building.

Are you in some sort of crossover?

Can you reach the required wording?

When you reach the wall that says “You Win”, guess what? You’ve won!


Total Downloads: 1,07929th August 2018
11 Comments and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"

The Lost City

for Half-Life 2

The streets are dangerous place. One squad member will accompany you to where you need to get to.

The problem is, you don’t really know where that is.

Therefore, you must check every door, every alley and every possible route for a way forward.

Somewhere on the coast, you final challenge awaits.


Total Downloads: 3,46628th August 2018
29 Comments and 22 recommendations with no significant bias