Over 7 years old but still kinda fun.
A simple “maze” that is very similar to Cube.
Can you find your way out?
And if you do, was it worth it?
A simple objective: Find the portal to escape the base.
Beware there are a LOT of grunts trying to kill you.
Can you survive? I doubt it.
Total Downloads: 1,92020th November 2010
and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"
I love MTV. Unlike many, if not most of you, I was around when it first launched and was working in the fitness industry at the time. The hours we spent working out and watching MTV! Ahhh, the good ol days. Anyway, I love to just put the TV on and watch the vids whenever I get the chance, which isn’t often and normally only when I get to stay in a hotel.
Half-Life has spawned a LOT of videos on YouTube and the like, but most aren’t very good. I’ve decided to post 5 videos that use Half-Life 2. If yours didn’t make the list, just comment and I’ll take a look. I may post a part two next year.
They are in no particular order. So, let’s get started.
20th November 2010 28 Comments
A simple map where you must kill everything you find and explore.
Total Downloads: 1,06020th November 2010
and 5 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
This type of question can be hard to answer because it depends on so many things: the type of mod, the video editing ability, the attention to detail of the screenshots etc etc.
Try to imagine that both the screenshots and videos are both perfectly created.
20th November 2010 18 Comments
I just thought I might ask you a few questions.
Don’t take it too seriously, it’s just a bit of fun
20th November 2010 19 Comments
Leon has been a mapping machine in the last 5 years or so and I sat down with him to chat about his last Source project called Final Project diary
14th November 2010 23 Comments
Almost a decade after the Black Mesa incident, which opened the Portal Storms, you find yourself trying to cope with their aftermath.
Creatures seem to appear from nothing and come without warning. It is during this time that you find yourself in your apartment.
A strange, suited man appeared in your dreams and having no idea what’s going on, all you can do is to try and stay alive.
Total Downloads: 4,48714th November 2010
and 20 recommendations, 6 say "Personal Favourite"
Not the most interesting poll question on PP, but I am hoping the results prove interesting. As you would imagine I have played all of them but I suspect that HL2 and EP2 will be the “winners” here.
I have to admit I am curious as to how many players have play BS and OP.
Anyway, get voting and let’s see what the results are.
13th November 2010 29 Comments
You begin in a tunnel that starts to collapse, “Run!” shouts Alyx, as she sprints ahead of you. Phew, you seemed to have made it out alive, but Alyx is nowhere to be seen.
This map is apparently based on the Black Forest in Germany. As you might have noticed from the tags it’s still in beta and this map is part of a larger mod.
Total Downloads: 1,26813th November 2010
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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Total Downloads: 1,53921st November 2010
4 Comments and 4 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"