
for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Re-enter the Half Life Universe and revisit City 17 in the time before Freeman, in this fan made single-player mod.

The Resistance is threatened by a decisive Combine assault, and as a wanted Resistance member you will need to fight to escape from the Combine’s clutch.

At the same time, a mysterious force is working towards ends unknown…


Total Downloads: 14,09429th March 2011
106 Comments and 62 recommendations, most say "Personal Favourite"

R.I.P. Jasper

It is with great sadness that I announce that Jasper, an active member of the PP community, died on Monday. I am sure I speak for all my readers when I wish his wife and family our deepest sympathies.

Jasper was always interested in helping visitors to the site and I feel honoured that we managed to work together on some other projects.

I know that the maps and mods he found here brought him great pleasure.

When I started this site, I never thought that I would be posting anything like this, but that shows how much a community we have become. His contributions to the site, with reviews, message, ideas etc will be missed.

Please use this post to pass on any messgaes, although under the circumstances, I don’t know if they will be seen by his family. I am sure they have more important things to think about than a gaming website.

Comments on this post will be heavily moderated.

Rest In Peace Jasper.

25th March 2011 70 Comments

Poll Question 216 – Has Source modding peaked?

Has Source modding peaked?

I hate it when two poll questions appear on the site without other posts in between.

A lull in releases is always frustrating but recently things have been pretty bad.

I know I have one or two maps still to post and hundreds to update, but let’s be honest we want “new”, “big” and “beautiful” and those are few and far between.

20th March 2011 30 Comments


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

You find yourself in a barn, with the objective of getting some Combine plans and then getting back again. “Easy in, Easy out”, as people like to say. But of course, it’s never that way. “Difficult In, even more difficult out”.

Good luck and be sure to really explore, you may find some hidden weapon caches!


Total Downloads: 5,3974th March 2011
59 Comments and 28 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"