This singleplayer Half-Life 2 level takes place within an old underground temple that located within a mountain. The game space consists of two main areas: a small desert exterior just outside the entrance to the temple and the interior of the underground temple that contains five dangerous puzzles. The player’s objective is to traverse through the temple; making their way past the five puzzles, in order find Dog’s spark, which is located at the end of the temple.
Night of the Living Headcrabsfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A new take on the Tower Defence gameplay style. Get yourself prepared and then open the doors.
Can you and Father Gregori survive the 3 hordes of zombie attackers?
Only time will tell.
Total Downloads: 1,3417th January 2012
and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"
New CombineOverWiki Now Online
After a Summer of woes, Klow and Bramblepath have finally got the newly independent Combine OverWiki online.
The site allows registered users to edit and create articles and is a fantastic resource for the community.
Show support by getting involved and using the site.
If you find it a little slow at the moment, don’t worry, things will improve once the images get cached and the interwebnetthingy gets all settled.
The new URL is CombineOverWiki.Net
3rd January 2012 1 Comment
When Will HL3 Be Released?
We are all curious about the release date. Don’t deny it.
So, let’s a little bit of fun with it.
Select a date and if the game gets released on that date, I’ll buy you the game.
Just email your Steam name and your chosen date to [email protected] and I will add it to the list.
The sooner you email me, the more choice you have.
One entry and date per person. Actual date of release is what counts.
See the project page: HL3: When?
Page design and layout liable to change.
31st December 2011 21 Comments
Poll Question 256 – Will you make any gaming New Year’s resolutions?
I’m terrible. I make more NYRs than you can imagine.
The inside of my wardrobe door is covered in photos and post it notes.
In fact, as I get older, I get worse or more ambitious, depending on which way you look at it.
And yes, I do achieve some of them!
So, this year, I plan to make some gaming resolutions, not related to the website.
At the risk of jinxing my chances of achieving these resolutions, here they are.
30th December 2011 8 Comments
Let the universe decide
I’m always looking for ways to improve the usability of the site and add new features. One I have been trying to add for a while is a random map or mod.
In the past I had a project site, which required the creation of three screenshots and a new row in a database. It looked pretty but was more work.
I changed the way I wanted this random post presented and finally got my hands dirty with copying and pasting some code. After that it was just a case of fiddling with it until I got what I wanted.
27th December 2011 12 Comments
G String Betafor Half-Life 2
The air is foul and corporate fascism reigns in the not too distant future.
Somewhere in the North American Union you are Myo Hyori, an 18 year-old girl of Korean descent who has had enough. Oh and you can start fires- with your mind.
This makes your corporate owners very nervous…
Total Downloads: 8,45123rd December 2011
and 13 recommendations, most say "Personal Favourite"
Poll Question 255 – How good has 2011 been for HL modding?
With only one week to go before the end of the year, I thought it might be nice to think back over the last year of HL modding.
Now, when I say “HL” I mean all maps and mods related to Half-Life. Hl2 EP2, Portal 2 etc.
This is not a proper retrospective of the year but just a general feel for it.
23rd December 2011 7 Comments
Resublimationfor Half-Life
In the frozen waste of Siberia, you have been tasked helping on nation regain its prominence.
Former Soviet states fight for resources and status.
You can make a difference, if you can reach the…
Total Downloads: 2,77720th December 2011
and 6 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Half-Life Collective Nouns
Collective nouns are words used to define a group of objects. Although primarily applied to animals, collective nouns can be used for people, inanimate objects, concepts or other things.
It doesn’t take long to find some really interesting ones. So as I sat in the airport lounge again, I started to wonder what the collective noun for zombies was and lo and behold I found this, which is a list of potential words. My favourite is rotting.
20th December 2011 14 Comments
Total Downloads: 1,6048th January 2012
17 Comments and 10 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"