FInd your way to an area with a faulty electrical pylon.
If you can manage to get the power on, you can kill everything in or very near the water.
Don’t take too long though!
Welcome to the third mapping competition in the 6×10 series.
Back in May 2007, I wrote an article entitled Chase
6th July 2012 6 Comments
After arming himself with advanced prototype weaponry, Gordon again reaches the surface. It has become a war zone. The Vortigaunts, along with Alien Grunts and Gargantuas, have begun making determined attacks against the Marines, and the tide of the battle is beginning to turn in favor of the aliens.
The Marines call in reinforcements, but it isn’t enough. Gordon must scale cliffs and navigate the bombed out buildings while avoiding both sides as the forces of Xen begin to dominate the battlefield. Finally, Gordon reaches relative safety underground.
6th July 2012 21 Comments
One of the things that has struck me about replaying Half-Life is the chapter titles.
They are such an important part of the game yet they seem to get so little attention.
What they do is help divide the game into neat little chunks and this in itself is important but they also help frame those chunks into distinct elements.
6th July 2012 9 Comments
After escaping, Gordon eventually winds up in a secret part of the facility where he discovers that scientists had been “collecting” specimens from Xen long before this whole mess occurred. In it, Gordon Freeman continues to rearm himself against the HECU, and rejoins the battle against these enemies.
Gordon also encounters the alien military units, the Alien Grunts, and he finds one of the most powerful weapons in the Half-Life universe, the Tau Cannon, after a security guard accidentally blows up himself, a scientist, and a wall by overcharging it. Soon, he heads outside to search for the Lambda Complex.
4th July 2012 16 Comments
When I post items in my Real Themes category, I’m not expecting people to copy what they see, just take inspiration from it.
In this post I discuss a ship that is designed to go from horizontal to vertical.
It’s called the RP FLIP (FLoating Instrument Platform.
3rd July 2012 8 Comments
After escaping from the trash compactor and getting back to the surface, Gordon stumbles towards a mostly abandoned part of the facility, meant for processing and disposing of waste and hazardous materials. Dodging and jumping through antiquated compaction machines, great vats of green waste, and slipping through furnaces, as well as riding on gravity-defying conveyor belts, Freeman escapes to a hidden part of the facility.
2nd July 2012 16 Comments
“The story takes place in Russia at the secret plant called “Object E7” or “Black Star” at the same time as the unexpected consequences at Black Mesa. G-Man was planning to organize three incidents of portal opening originally.
First one – at Black Mesa Complex. Second one – at Black Star plant. The third place is unfortunately unknown. But thanks to the fact that the cascade resonator at Black Star was out of order, the planned incident didn’t take place there.
Object E7 is a laboratory complex researching anomalous materials and organisms. Its academic adviser is Dr.Victor Shmurghe. He has connected directly with G-Man. The protagonist is a political prisoner who was moved from a jail to Object E7. His main purpose was to test a prototype of the new protection suit H.E.V.5000. But he could escape during usual testing by chance.”
Total Downloads: 6,7802nd July 2012
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Continuing towards the surface, Gordon encounters a terrifying new aquatic creature, the Ichthyosaur, and acquires a deadly new weapon to fight it. After an underwater battle with the creature, he manages to escape and get back on his way.
After battling with the Black Ops, another “rescue” crew trying to kill even the marines, Freeman is captured by the HECU. They remove all of his weapons, and leave him for dead in a trash compactor. Thankfully, Freeman escapes once again, making his way back into the battle.
27th June 2012 28 Comments
As Gordon Freeman rides a monorail in the Materials Transport section of Black Mesa, he learns from a security guard that he must ride to the High Altitude Launch Center to launch a satellite, which the Lambda Team can use to reverse the effects of the Resonance Cascade.
He also discovers the HECU’s true hatred for him, as well as larger reinforcements: sandbag bunkers with rapid-fire sniper rifles, mounted machine gun turrets (manual and automated), and even mounted rocket launchers.
After going round in circles, it seems, for a while, he goes up several elevators and at last reaches the surface again. At the launch site, he sends the rocket up into orbit, and regretfully goes back below ground.
26th June 2012 21 Comments
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Total Downloads: 1,5957th July 2012
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