Half-Life: Uplink

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Uplink

Uplink, released February 12, 1999, is one of two demos released by Valve for the original Half-Life video game. The first was Half-Life: Day One and contained the first fifth of the full game, and was only included with certain video cards of the time. Half-Life: Uplink, on the other hand, was a standalone demo set in the Half-Life universe, and contained levels and a storyline not found in the full title.

Ryan Finnie has created a wonderful website called HalfLifeUplink.Com, which contains everything you could ever want to know about the demo.

7th August 2012 36 Comments

Aurora Effect – Half-Life – In Development Mods

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Explore again the Black Mesa Research Facility from the point of view of Jorge Barrett, a maintenance employee of the facility. Today should be one day just like all the other, but what lies ahead?

There’s a new codebase which allows new graphical features. However the changes, fixes and additions are enormous, so you will discover them slowly as more updates are released.

6th August 2012 6 Comments

Half-Life: Nihilanth and Endgame

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Nihilanth

In a vast cave, Gordon finally confronts the powerful and mysterious being that is holding the portal open. Gordon destroys the Nihilanth’s shield, allowing him to destroy its vulnerable brain. As the creature dies, it floats toward the ceiling, and explodes in a giant green blast that overpowers Gordon’s senses.

“It’s time to choose!”
– The G-Man

5th August 2012 21 Comments

Audio Interview with Magnar Jenssen (Number 2)

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

With the recent release of Mission Improbable and let’s not forget Whoopservatory, Magnar has cemented his position amongst the great SP Source modders.

In this second audio interview (the first is here), we mainly discuss the changes and new additions to Mission Improbable

Magnar has agreed to follow this post, so if you have questions that I didn’t ask, he may be able to answer them for you.

Rick Underhill’s site is called EditPoly.Net

This podcast was live-streamed to the Podcast17 YouTube channel and is available as a video on there.


5th August 2012 16 Comments

ForestVille: The fourth 6×10 Mapping Competition

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Welcome to the fourth mapping competition in the 6×10 series.

For this competition I want you to create a forest environment.

One of the great things about Episode Two was the forest areas. They were fun to play and gorgeous to look at.

Now I recoginze that making beautiful forest scenes takes a long time, but I’m not expecting large areas. How you use the forest is up to you.

3rd August 2012 32 Comments

August 2012 – General Chat

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Haven’t gone on holiday?

Want to chat about general topics? This is the place to do that.

In the comments of this post, you can talk about anything you want, although I’d prefer if we avoided sex, politics, religion and spiders.

1st August 2012 57 Comments

Audio Interview with Magnar Jenssen plus Live stream

Just to let everybody know that I will be having an audio interview with Magnar Jenssen on Saturday 4th August at 2:00PM GMT. That’s 3:00PM Central European Time. Please check your local times.

In addition to recording and posting the interview on here, it will also be streamed live on the Podcast17 YouTube channel.


31st July 2012 14 Comments

Half-Life: Interloper

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Interloper

Gordon’s journey across Xen continues, but his supplies are running short, spent on destroying the Gonarch.

He also comes across the Xen army’s Alien Grunt cloning facility, where the army is created.

It can be noted that the Vortigaunts in one of the factories are not hostile towards the player, and will ignore him unless attacked.

31st July 2012 21 Comments

Mission Improbable

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

A Resistance listening post suddenly goes off-air and you are sent in to find out what happened to the original support crew and get the station back online. Your journey begins as a rowing boat coasts towards the landing point.

Who knows what you will encounter, both on the way up to the tower and on your way down.

After that whos know where you will end up or what you will have to do!


Total Downloads: 16,89229th July 2012
88 Comments and 39 recommendations, most say "Personal Favourite"