Playing as Gordon Freeman, you are a “person of Interest” and the Combine want you.
Your objective, as stated on the screen, is to escape City 17.
Can you do it? The Combine will do their best to stop you.
As the game begins, Shephard is part of the clean-up operation. After his transport aircraft is taken down by an Alien Aircraft and he is cut off from the rest of his unit, the “clean-up” mission is abandoned and Shephard joins forces with the scattered survivors seeking escape.
Before the first chapter of Half-Life: Opposing Force, a short introduction is shown.
As Adrian Shephard and his fellow HECU comrades are approaching the LZ (Landing Zone 117) at the Black Mesa Research Facility, his plane (codenamed Goose 7) is shot down by alien aircraft, along with several other V-22 Ospreys (the first one is codenamed Goose 3).
The rest of the opening sequence consists of Shephard continually losing and regaining consciousness, seeing conflict between the Xen aliens and the Marines who survived the crash.
18th August 2012 14 Comments
This competition received two entries. I admit, I was hoping for more, but maybe next time.
Below are the two entries.
You can either save to your computer with a right click, or if you have a compatible browser just left click and they will play.
18th August 2012 13 Comments
You are a captured citizen who wakes up in a pod, stranded in unknown snowy surroundings, just after you were lost from a “combine-dropship-pod-container
You discover a secret underground facility that is infested by headcrab-zombies.
Soon you discover that you are not alone in the facility: A group of mad and dangerous humans with weapons are inhabiting the facility too.
Total Downloads: 6,87017th August 2012
and 17 recommendations with no significant bias
With the recent news about the new community features for Steam and the Grid View Icons I got to wonder how effectively I use Steam.
I started to use categories and found they only seem to be visible in List view and then I wondered how many other features I was missing – just like I wonder for users of THIS website.
After all that thinking I decided to write an article about using Steam effectively. So, as well as my own research and investigation, I would like to harness the readers’ experience and knowledge!
Please send me you tricks and tips for getting the most out of Steam and I will post as much as I can. I may even create a video instead, as it’s often easier to see these things in action, rather than just read about them.
I would prefer an email but you could also post a comment. Just know that this is a temporary post and will be deleted once the article/video has been published.
16th August 2012 12 Comments
The training chapter of Opposing Force. Adrian Shephard is bumped to the top of the Advanced Training list.
Shephard and his comrades are trained by Dwight T. Barnes, Marine Drill Instructor, in Santego Military Base, Arizona.
He works his way through the training exercises overlooked by Drill Instructor Sharpe until he is ready for the field.
16th August 2012 19 Comments
ForestVille is the fourth in the 6×10 Mapping Competition.
As the name suggests, the theme was to create a map within a forest.
There were 6 entries, ranging from “okay” to “GREAT!”
Total Downloads: 6,02115th August 2012
and 17 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Back in April of this year, I wrote an article called 7 Things I wish Steam would allow me to do. Well, number 7, or part of number 7 is now available and since I only recently found out about it, I thought you might have missed it too.
It’s a feature called Custom Steam Gridview Icons and it allows you to add or replace the images you see for ANY game or application you have added to your library.
14th August 2012 10 Comments
The Half-Life: Opposing Force soundtrack was composed by Chris Jensen. It was reused for the Half-Life: Blue Shift soundtrack. The Half-Life soundtrack by Kelly Bailey replaces the original one in the Steam releases of Opposing Force and Blue Shift.
However, it’s easy to get the original back. Below is a file that contains all the music, along with isntructions of how to use it.
Here is part of the text from the readme_opfor.txt.
12th August 2012 15 Comments
As part of the The Replay Experience Experiment, here is the first of a number of podcasts, discussing one of the game we have played.
In this case, it’s Half-life. Joining me for this one is Don and Emo. Don is a modder with tremendous experience and has released a number of mods/maps including, Radix. Emo is from Russia and has made Typical Disaster.
We discuss Half-Life from a number of different aspects. There are a couple of videos mentioned in the podcast and they can be found on the Resources & Curiosities.
Both Don and Emo have agreed to respond to any comments you may make, and of course I will too.
12th August 2012 9 Comments
Type your search here:
Total Downloads: 3,77019th August 2012
32 Comments and 25 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!