Published On This Date

This page displays posts that were published on this date in various years.

The New Theme
published: 2015

Well, here it is and I hope you like it.

It’s taken a few months of irregular work and a fair bit of help.

This post describes the new features and in some cases the decisions behind them.

7th February 2015 39 Comments

Poll Question 291 – Do you like the idea of a Half-Life movie?
published: 2013

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Well, it’s been discussed many times before but it finally looks to be happening on a professional scale: A Half-Life (or portal) movie!

I’ll probably be the one Half-Life fan to say that I think it’s a bad idea and here’s why…

You know how a movie is never as good as a book (well almost always never)? I think the same will happen here. Yes, the movie will be fantastic but not if you played Half-Life near when it first came out.

7th February 2013 33 Comments

Amateur Content Delivery
published: 2006

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

This post will discuss a possible method for amateur content delivery using Steam that would that improve the replayability of Half-Life 2 and other similar games.

7th February 2006 4 Comments