The site's main organizational scheme.
Categories are the site's main organizational scheme for categorizing posts. In the context of a Wordpress site (Wordpress is the script used to run the site) a Post is an individual entry, as opposed to a Page, which is considered more static, like the About page.
At the bottom of each post, before the comments begin, the category that the post has been put into is displayed. It is possible to click those categories as they are links and all the posts in that category will be displayed in chronological order.
On this site, there are parent and child categories to help organization. Each and every post is in at least one category, with most in two, although never outside its parent.
All the maps and mods covered on the site. These releases can also be viewed as a sortable and filterable table via the PLAY menu item.
These are the chapters from each Valve game that this site covers. Most were part of The Replay Experience Experiment event.
All the podcasts available from RTSL. They can be streamed from the site or downloaded for later enjoyment.
MapTap is a free utility designed to install and manage SP maps and mods downloaded from RTSL. Full details and a download link can be found on its page: MapTap.
These are text articles and have been separated into various sub-categories to help readers find articles that may interest them .