“The project name was assigned by the module lecturer, the prerequisites were, to use the source engine, create interesting game content, including level(s), world assets, models and to sustaining gameplay as well as game flow. I created the level based on ideas set down by the whole team, after some research i found relevant imagery to produce interesting architecture along with gameplay elements that would allow the player to feel somewhat claustrophobic and panic stricken from the very start, however allowing the player times of relief to ensure the player had time to relax before the next adrenalin rush.
The team work very well together, producing some interesting content, including concepts, gameplay and game flow. As the lead it was my job to create the level, scripted sequences, AI, object placement, lighting, encounters, sound and many other aspects of design. With every new idea (sometimes) came a new problem, an example of which is when the team wanted to introduce a vehicle into the engine, with no prior knowledge of vehicular use with the engine, i created a vehicle utilizing push entities to allow for the planning of speed, width, length, and height. When the vehicle model was produced it would be swapped with the template model. However due to our lack of knowledge of moving models and physics throughout the engine the idea was finally scrapped. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to undertake this task as it provided me with a greater knowledge of the engine and how the physics plays a large part throughout.”
- Title: NtR0Py
- File Name: hl2-sp-ntr0py.7z
- Size : 13.44MB
- Author: Adam Griffiths
- Date Released: 22 April 2006
Download directly into MapTap [13.4MB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
Paths may vary depending on your exact installation.
Place the enclosed ‘entropy’ folder, in the following directory:-
Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2\sound
Place the enclosed ‘Chapter1.bsp’ & ‘Chapter2.bsp’ files into the following directory:-
Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2\maps
After installing the files you can run them in the following way:-
Run your Half-Life 2 game, when the game has loaded press the ¬ (tild) key (please ensure the enable console is ticked)
then type ‘map Chapter1’ and press enter, the game should automatically load.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image.
Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
0Last 7 days
5Last 30 days
55365 days
I only had the crowbar to use for the entire level and the enemies consisted of Metrocops and Manhacks. I didn’t find any other weapons. Even though Chapter 2 was never completed the transition is very bad and it was a complete waste of time to include it. There were a couple of technical errors but they didn’t effect the gameplay. Talking of which, the gameplay was quite boring.
As I always say, I respect anybody who builds and releases something but this is more of a learning level. The author has a few other levels that I will test over the next few days. Hopefully they will get better!
Without hesitation I say:
Some of the architecture in this map was quite interesting but the overall mapping was uninspired and there were quite a few missing walls etc.
If Adam went back through it and added a bit more fun then it might be worth a download but as it stands I have to say…
I didn’t bother completing the map when it became apparent I was stuck with the crowbar. Hitting metrocops and fending off manhacks with an iron bar wears thin very quickly.
I wonder if the mapper could go over it and liven it up some? Until then…
I played this and deleted the same day.I usually burn to keep but not this one.
I’d say I’m giving spoilers, but you can’t spoil what’s already gone bad.
This map was really way too easy and actual challenge ended about halfway through the first map. I don’t really understand the intended strategy, but I’m more than sure that I completely went in the wrong direction and skipped a part of this map.
If I was supposed to run away from the metrocops, then I shouldn’t have gotten a crowbar to begin with.
And despite what the desctiption says, physics plays absolutely no part in this map. Plain and simple. There’s lots of bricks in one part, but they served no purpose at all because I killed everyone already!
Then as a big space-wasting “Screw you,” the map transitions to a level that’s so incomplete that it’s just nothing. It’s a train that doesn’t move… that’s it. Then, I fell out of that level.
This game really insults what little intelligence I have. Disappointment built upon disappointment.
And Transitions was bad too…
I think all of the above were being such azzhats. You can cheat and acquire the physcannon (grav gun) for killing that bit assed amount of monsters. I like to kill craploads of monsters and I liked the environment of this level. The manhacks gets pooned with physcannon. Cheat! use sv_cheats 1, then buddha or god, noclip thru, etc. A killing macihne, even tough the content is poo (so poor it forgot the r, maybe).
I don’t want to cheat. That’s like saying that if the book is boring you can simply jump to the last chapter. IF you have to do that then the book, or the map in this case, is lacking something.
You could simply build a large room an spawn enemies and weapons. This misses the point of a single player map with some objectives and interesting gameplay.
Whilst I appreciate your use of a toned-down insult, I would prefer if you didn’t insult anybody.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and if that opinion doesn’t match yours it’s no reason to disregard it
I do agree with your commentary of toned-down instult. That is no right. Well, as for the author, IMHO, the author could be treated with more affection, receiving some support. Maybe he put a great time on it and he receives some “Avoid it!” pics, well, it is scary and won’t incentivate his work anymore. I would say what I just said excluding the entire first line.
Hmmm…. how about “No” ?
Square, blocky-looking graphics, nothing but zillions of flying manhacks while armed with nothing but a crowbar, no objective to any of it, and map crash on an up to date system that may or may not be my system’s fault.
I guess I didn’t get to the part with the interesting architecture and gameplay.
If you have to cheat in a map/mod/game then it’s cearly not worth playing in my opinion.
Then it’s clear the map has its problems and the author should then notice this and possibly improve for the next release.
Here’s one more avoid it pic:
Since everyone’s said what I was going to say what’s wrong with this mod I’m just going to say one thing..
So if we consider this as a test map it’s not the worse out here design is way to boxy but some architecture bridge are correct the transition from map one to map two is ??? would have been beter to have an on text message telling to be continued…
average gaemplay arround 15 min
sadly I can only go to most direct use for this one
Ok, Im avoiding it.
looks like it sucks
“The project name was assigned by the module lecturer, the prerequisites were, to use the source engine, create interesting game content, including level(s), world assets, models and to sustaining gameplay as well as game flow.”
I’d sure love to know what institution this was. Seems to me like they are giving a lot of false hope to would-be mappers by dumping them into such a vague assignment.
I came to this section looking for a way to play this thing. I started out with no weapons and having alot of Combine coming at me and no way to defend myself other then a stupid crowbar. Thats not even realistic at all. Why would anyone give a player nothing to defend themself with? So, I cheated just to add some weapons, nothing more, thinking I may have missed a room full of guns someplace. So, I get to this two story empty building and climb the stairs. I jump a fence and go into a train tunnel. The other direction is blocked witha force shield. So I walk a long way and come to a big train. Hey-Maybe it gets good now and I get to climb on the train and crash through the force field! Or maybe I get to drive this thing! No!
The train is for looks and does nothing. Unbeleivable. Why make a train that dosen’t move? So, I keep walking toward the end of the tunnel. I see light up ahead. Ok-Maybe I’ll get into another part of town and see some action. I get to the end and the map ends! I walk right off the map and there’s nothing there and noplace to go. So I turn around and say- ok-I’m going to find out if this is the wrong way or what. I reluctently use noclip to go through the force field into another tunnel and into total darkness and thats as far as I got.
So what is this thing? A major mess is all I got. It’s a big nothing and do not even try it-Let the author go back and do it all over from scratch and come back with something playable. This is nowhere near done. Not even close.I won’t say anything bad or make any rude comments to the author, because he did try to make a mod, but please, rework it from the ground up and come back when it’s really, really ready.I have never had to give a Avoid It-but for this, there is no other option available, sorry.