HW Upgrade

for Half-Life 2

16th February 2007

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Author’s Note

“My first Mod/Mappack di Half-life2 (single player) that it has cost to me more than 1 year and means of job (to intermittenza) It tells the history of 1 customer who scale the board until arriving to Admin (than ambiguous history) the Mod/Mappack is dedicated completely to the forum of Hw-upgrade (w*w.hwupgrade.it)”

Basic Details
  • Title: HW Upgrade
  • File Name: hl2-sp-hardware-upgrade.7z
  • Size : 99.93MB
  • Author: luckid
  • Date Released: 13 February 2007

Download Options

Download to your HDD [100MB]

Installation Instructions (Steam)
  • Extract the Hw-Upgrade folder into your Sourcemods folder
  • Restart or start Steam.
  • Hw-Upgrade should now be listed in your Library tab.

If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.


All the speech and text in this mod is non-English so you’ll have to figure out what you must do yourself visually. If you are having difficulty progressing from the start, crouch and ‘use’ the remote control (calculator) in front of the big screen.

There seems to be a cursor bug for some, where the actual selection point on the screen is about 10mm higher than the tip of the cursor, which makes it appear that the menu buttons don’t work or are all mixed up. If you experience this, click a bit lower than you actually want and it should work ok.


Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. The images are enlarged from smaller version which is why they look a little blury. All images courtesy of SPs.com.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
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  1. Frederick

    Quite a large file! I hope it’s a good one.

  2. Due to me committing horrific genocide on my motherboard, don’t expect a Fluffy-esque review on this.

  3. Jimbo

    I’m having difficulty getting the installer to run right– it wont even prompt me to install into a directory. Suggestions?

  4. AI

    No problem installing or running sofar! The only problem is the language! Kinda takes away from what your supposed to be doing or looking for! Some of my namesakes speak English, but the opening and the messages are ??????? Being an AI in my masters computer does not give me the power to translate language!!!

  5. Gary

    I have the same problem as Jimbo, the stupid installer does not work. Any chance someone can upload a zip version ??

  6. I’m having difficulty getting the installer to run right— it wont even prompt me to install into a directory. Suggestions?

    I just tested the installer and it installed fine for me and didn’t prompt for a path. I know that doesn’t help you but is it giving you errors or just stopping? Mine installed into
    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods
    I know that some Steam installation use Valve instead of Steam as the main folder. If it created a Steam folder try moving it to you respective Valve folder.

    If it just stops try create the path manually first, then running the installer again, finally copying it over.

    I have the same problem as Jimbo, the stupid installer does not work. Any chance someone can upload a zip version ??

    I think it’s a little unfair to call it stupid until we find out the exact problem. Even Rock 24 had this problem.

    Please try my above suggestion and if that doesn’t work I’ll compress the folder the installer creates and upload that. In fact I’ll start that process now but my upload speed is very slow and will take at least 3 hours.
    I am assume that all the files required are contained with the newly created folder. IF not then it won’t work!

  7. Len

    For those of you who are having problems installing, unpack the .rar file to any folder (I’ve an “unzipped” folder in my root directory that I unpack such files to), then click on the .exe file and it’ll automatically install to your SourceMods folder (assuming you used the defaults when you installed HL2–if not, you’re on your own). After it’s installed properly and you start it up, select “Options” and change everything to your desired settings (the author has some strange default settings).

    The mod looks like it might be a good one, but the language is a problem. I’ve gotten as far as the little room with the girl and computers at the bottom of the stairs, but can’t go on “cause I don’t know what to do next. Any hints are appreciated.

    P.S.: Philip, your main list of HL2 mods is impressive, but I think it would be a lot easier to use if you listed the mods by date added rather than alphabetically. As it is, I have to scroll down the whole list every time I want to search for recently-added mods. Just a thought….

  8. Frederick

    P.S.: Philip, your main list of HL2 mods is impressive, but I think it would be a lot easier to use if you listed the mods by date added rather than alphabetically. As it is, I have to scroll down the whole list every time I want to search for recently-added mods. Just a thought….

    I second the notion.

  9. assuming you used the defaults when you installed HL2—if not, you’re on your own

    I don’t believe that is entirely true because it seems that sometimes a fresh install creates a Valve folder and sometimes it creates a Steam folder. I suspect that it works with the Steam folder but not the Valve one.

    P.S.: Philip, your main list of HL2 mods is impressive, but I think it would be a lot easier to use if you listed the mods by date added rather than alphabetically. As it is, I have to scroll down the whole list every time I want to search for recently-added mods. Just a thought….

    Thank you. I actually think it is the most comprehensive SP list available, with the probable exception of City17.ru but considering they only cover Half-Life I feel pretty good about my list.

    I specifically chose to order the list alphabetically because I wanted the site to be a reference and felt that by listing them chronologically I would be making life harder for people.

    You can also use the Dated Archives which should make life easier or the new Database will eventually solve all your problems!

    I will be back-dating the maps but of course that will take a little while. Every new map and mod added to the main site will be added to the Database at the same time, so from now on finding the latest maps for particular games or from particular authors will be very, very easy.

  10. Len

    All my HL stuff is in C:\ProgramFiles\Valve\Steam, and this mod installed itself in the SourceMods folder without any problems. I wasn’t aware that there might be a different default directory, but if so I stand corrected.

    Your Database looks like it might be the solution for having to scroll down through everything to find the latest mods–thanks for your hard work! (but are you sure you want just anyone to be able to Edit the entries on your page?–I ask because it looks like the changes are saved to your server).

    The Dated Archives also include our posts, so it might be too cumbersome for those of us looking only for the latest mods.

    Anyway, I’d still like your main list to be chronological, but it’s your site and you can arrange it the way you like.

  11. Len

    P.S. Has anyone figured out how to proceed from the room I mentioned above?

  12. cubedude89

    I tried your steps phillip but still cant get this to work. 🙁

  13. Run the installer and then searh the hard drive via wwindows search for Hw_Upgrade folder.

    Len:If your having problems getting through the glass door…Do you kill many innocent people?

  14. cubedude89

    I run the installer and nothing happens. it doesn’t install anything.

    But I searched anyway, but nothing came up. 🙁

  15. Did you try making folders so you end up with a path like this..

    C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods

    If you did then its a registry setting and I’ll have a look into it.

  16. P.S. Has anyone figured out how to proceed from the room I mentioned above?

    Unfortunately (and unnecassarily), the fate of the girl is in your hands.

  17. Your Database looks like it might be the solution for having to scroll down through everything to find the latest mods—thanks for your hard work! .

    You’re welcome

    (but are you sure you want just anyone to be able to Edit the entries on your page?—I ask because it looks like the changes are saved to your server).

    I thought about this for a long time and I actually removed the option to insert entries. I felt that some kind of community interaction was needed and I still have the option of removing it if it is abused.

    The Dated Archives also include our posts, so it might be too cumbersome for those of us looking only for the latest mods.

    I do understand but until the database is fully populated, or at least has a lot more entires it is the only way – sorry.

    but it’s your site and you can arrange it the way you like.

    Yes, it’s my site but it’s for you. So the question is “Who is more important, me or you”? The Answer: YOU. I will make the default listing chronological for the next theme, which isn’t far away.

    I tried your steps phillip but still cant get this to work. 🙁

    I’m uploading a compressed version of the folder structure now, but my upload speed is very slow.

  18. I’ve uploaded a folder structure only file and the link can be found in the main post.

    I don’t guarantee it will work.

  19. cubedude89

    Amazing mod. I only had to cheat once lol.

    4/5 stars.

  20. Senator33

    Funny….when I open the .exe file, the installer gives me two checkbox choices.
    1) Mod files
    2) Desktop Icon

    Am not allowed to check the box for Mod files, but can install the desktop icon very well.

    No clue.

  21. Frederick

    Okay, I killed the girl in the computer room but what now? I killed the guard behind the glass and opened both access panel while getting cut to swiss cheese but what now? The iron maiden won’t let me ride and the two access panels lead nowhere.

    Otherwise good mod so far.

  22. Not sure how you got cut to swiss cheese in that part. Remember you have to use your “USE” key when riding those things.

  23. You only needed to open the first panel to let the carriage out..You got killed because you went into the water thats got electricity going to it.

  24. Yes, yes andyb. I agree. That would probably be the reason for the sparks flying around that broken wire & the sound effects of zip, pop, zap. Common sense would be NOT to go into water with a live wire running into it!

  25. IDM

    Great mod.
    Im stuck in the room where the catwalk collapses. Ive spent an hour building a way to the other side,I get in the room with the switch and when I press it I get something in Russian?? But nothing happens. Any hints, Im stumped.

  26. IDM

    #2. Its the room you leave the buggy in. It also has a dumpster full of water, below where the catwalk falls. And a door guarded with red lasers.

  27. Frederick

    Common sense would be NOT to go into water with a live wire running into it!

    Common sense would be not to run around where there are monsters and bad guys and killing computer girls – but that’s HL2!
    Anyway, I got fried by electricity, clawed by zombies and shot at a ceiling gun when I ran down to open the far access panel since the iron maiden wasn’t budging.
    I’ll try the “use” key on the iron maiden again. At least I know now that it IS supposed to move.

  28. Ok I know where you are.See that pipe on the ceiling?Its your friend.Once you get to the other side and kill all the stuff,Find the switch and “use” it.There is a screen there at the same terminal that shows what happens.

  29. I got fried by electricity, clawed by zombies and shot at a ceiling gun

    It sounds a like a typical day at the office for Gordon! 🙂

  30. Zeeek

    I’m in the same room, been on the pipe, pressed the button and the lasers go off but how do you get back down, door on other side is locked, jump down is immediate death, jump in the water same, only move I can make is back across pipe or jump to bracket near door but can’t go any further ????????????
    Excellent map so far

  31. Jump in the dumpster.Its full of water.It wont kill ya.Then go see the guy that was behind the laser.

  32. Zeeek

    got killed several times jumping in dumpster before I replayed and kept xxxxx xxxxx then dumpster is ok.
    Pretty good mod

  33. Frederick

    Good mod so far, but I recommend playing on the hardest level. I am playing on Normal and except for a couple of spots where I was unsure what to do next (thanks for the tips) I’d have to say it is on the easy side. Weapons and health are perhaps too plentiful. I’ve never felt like the battles were close calls, I usually have plenty of ammo to toss at the enemy. Also, the two rides so far – buggy and boat – are so short that I question whether they were really worth including. The maps and the scenery are nice.

  34. I thought it was a nice mod and appreciative something new came around. I didn’t find it difficult to figure anything out. The maps & scenery were nice. It seemed there was so much space that could have been filled with more enemies or something and it would have been nice to have had more enemy action. The buildings/rooms become a bit monotonous but not enough to make me want to quit playing. Like the post above, I was quite disappointed in the buggy & boat rides as I felt they could have been incorporated in game play a bit more.

  35. Frederick

    Finished the mod. Ending was anticlimatic since I had so much ammo the antlion guard was easy meat.
    Also, I fond one glitch when I crawled up a ladder into the last map. If I crawled too slow the hatch knocked me down below the map into the twilight zone. Have to climb quickly up and out from the ladder.
    Thumbs up for the mod, but you have to play it on the hardest setting to have a challenge.

  36. Please allow me to post my apologies. Part of this comment was mixed with another mod I was playing. The comments about more enemy action, buildings/rooms a bit monotonous, empty space was not intended for this mod.

  37. Mike S

    Please allow me to post my apologies. Part of this comment was mixed with another mod I was playing. The comments about more enemy action, buildings/rooms a bit monotonous, empty space was not intended for this mod.

    Lemme guess — you meant HL2: Day of Resistance, right? I couldn’t agree more.

  38. Mike S

    [quote comment=”64118″]Please allow me to post my apologies. Part of this comment was mixed with another mod I was playing. The comments about more enemy action, buildings/rooms a bit monotonous, empty space was not intended for this mod.

    Lemme guess — you meant HL2: Day of Resistance, right? I couldn’t agree more.[/quote]

    I meant Day of Redemption! God, everyone’s confused around here. Too much gaming, it does your head in.

  39. I know! We all sit around wondering where or when new mods are for HL2. We finally get 2 back to back & we don’t know which way is up!

    You are correct – part of my post was for Day of Redemption. 🙂 I thought this one (yes, I’m sure this one!) was a very good mod.

  40. Mel

    Yea, agree with most of the above reviews this is very good mod and one I will play through again on hard level. Funny one of the above reviews should mix this up with Day of Redemption; I was going to leave a post with that mod saying the author should have a look at Hw_Upgrade regarding comment made on his mod about scene settings, dressing and combat within. I had no trouble installing this mod went straight into the source file and the mod was waiting for me in my steam games menu. The balance of game play between action and figuring out the next move was spot on, every thing had a point to it and if you found a button you knew that sooner or later you would need it, The set design and texture within were very good, the author states that this was his first mod or was it his first HL2 mod, either way it’s a very impressive first effort. I too thought that the Buggy and Boat rides were a bit out of place, just was not enough scope within the levels to gain any fun or game play form the rides. The only problems a had was with one Choreographed scene not working first time around, the one where you cross by way of the overhead pipe and I needed to start level again before this activated. Is there a way authors keep incorporate a language switch for in-game onscreen messages? Say in the options facility. Thanks to the author for a very enjoyable game and more of the same please.

  41. I did jump, after the small bridge wich get destroyed into the water container and went to the guy behind the lazer but nothing happens… All those womans calling for Freeman make me nervous…

  42. Pablo
    Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3

    Stef, after climbing across the roof pipe, did you press the red button in the upstairs control room? If so, the lasers should be off. When you reach this room, “use” the scanner.

    Anyway, I’m not sure how to proceed after the street fight with the white Combine.

    Any clues please?

  43. thanks pablo I will check soon

  44. Pablo

    Still stuck after street fight with white combine (see post 43). Where to from here? Anybody?

  45. Is that the Admin/mod level?I’m trying to load a save but if it where I think you are then you must kill the flying machines/helicopters before a garage door will open.

  46. Nevermind my last post it wasnt for this mod but what level are you on?I jast ran throu it and nothin is very hard as far as a puzzle or anything.

  47. Pablo, you must get a box with your gravity gun to help you across the laser barrier. Once across, go through the double wooden doors on your right and proceed.

  48. Anonymous

    Pablo, you must get a box with your gravity gun to help you across the laser barrier. Once across, go through the double wooden doors on your right and proceed.

    Hmm, I thought I’d tried that. I’ll have another go. Thanks Goddess 🙂

  49. Pablo

    Sorry to ask, but still stuck. When I stack the boxes and jump over the laser barrier, I’m killed almost instantly. What am I doing wrong?

  50. No, please do ask. It’s my fault for steering you the wrong way. After you take out the sniper & combine, walk to the metal gate & a Vort will short out a cable. Go back to the metal ladder & go down to where you left your water buggy. The blue lasers that were previously there should now be gone & you should be able to enter that gate.

  51. Pablo

    Gotcha. Thanks again.

  52. Anonymous

    Thanks for this article, it was very useful for me.

  53. enablerbr

    installed the mod. however when I start a new game. my character refuses to move anywhere. i’m just stuck in nothing. any suggestions.

  54. enablerbr did you check for the console setting default for this mod use the arrow to move…

  55. enablerbr
    Play It Now!

    yep stupid me forgot to check the keyboard settings. hehe. I guess I just assume everyone uses the same. well I got to play it. it was fun though once or twice I found myself wondering what I was supposed to do next. best example of this was the pipe crossing. which was the last thing I tried after many restarts of that part and trying all sorts of weirdness.

  56. So 3 month ago I went stuck and ask for some help the responce I recieve didn’t help me at all Pablo is talking about pipes and a controle room but the only one I came across was the one with the vertigaunt so i’m still stuck in the metalic “passerelle” and the beam is still red reference are comment # 42 & 43

  57. enablerbr

    well there is a pipe on the ceiling of that area. that goes from the door you entered the top part from to the other side. when the top path way collapsed into the water. a piece of air conductor pipe/box fell near the door you entered the top. you need to climb on the air duct bit and look up at the pipe above. then move forward while still looking at the pipe till you can go no further and jump off. you’ll be hanging off the pipe but there is no hand on pipe animation to tell you so.

  58. Play It Now!

    So enablerbr you gave me some help in return so I could understand what was next thanks 🙂

    I Quite like this mod it’s sometime a little surprising in map change or next task but appart from that it was quite well put together, had a lot of variety, a correct challenge and some good surprise I will defenetly recommand to

  59. Mel
    Play It Now!

    Having played through this mod a few times, it’s definitely one game that’s worth going back and replaying after a period of time. Much of the first play through is spent piecing together and solving puzzles and situations thrown up by the author. However, this is not a puzzle orientated mod, it just has a nice balance of puzzles that are often linked with more than one piece of action, plus a few unconventional solutions. With a second play through you will appreciate the balance of play more, the mod seemingly more fluid, knowing in advance, the answer to a few of the more taxing situations.

    I am not too sure if there is much of a story to this mod, but as asked before, does this really matter? After getting a short briefing from the G-man (in Italian) your guess is as good as mine regarding mission objectives. You start on a series of 3 chapters which whilst linked structurally by the use of teleport, appear unrelated plot-wise without throwing much light on what the overall objective is.

    We encounter most of the HL cast both alien and humanoid with the Combine and their hardware also well represented; although a few characters are only encountered briefly. We do get to ride both the road and water buggy, but these prove to be brief encounters adding little in the way of enrichment to the gameplay.

    I liked the set design and the author’s use of textures give the mod a unique feel. You can tell this is nearly all the author’s own work with much looking new and original, there being little in the way of what appeared to be copied design and detail from the original game.

    The author includes a degree of detail rarely encountered with someone new to HL2 mapping. This sometimes manifeasts itself with too much use of detail in some areas, with the example or the opening lounge sequence just packed with detail including the kitchen sink!

    I appreciated the trouble the author went to in mapping what may be termed as back-drop sets, with the opening sequence of bedroom to lounge being a good example. Here the author has taken the trouble to give street views from all the windows with active Combine and citizens” lurking around. it’s worth noclipping a few areas like this for a wander and look around.

    Most of the mod takes place within enclosed areas and we are afforded little in the way of open environment until the closing level. It says much for mod design and gameplay that you don’t feel bored or restricted within these continuous enclosed surrounding. To some extent the mix of combat and figuring out the next move, combined with frequent changes to the immediate surroundings, have you immersed throughout.

    Negative Points

    – Weak story line
    – Pointless and limited use of road and water buggies
    – No continuity between missions

    Positive Points

    – Good mix of combat and puzzle solving
    – Some refreshing new stuff
    – Nice mix of HL2 cast

    Overall, I was left with the feeling that whilst encountering similar scenarios with other HL2 custom mods, this author sees things in a different light and in many ways this was a refreshing experience with a new approach.

    It is hard to believe this is the author’s first mapping experience with HL2 and whilst it’s not a classic, it is however, a good example of what new talent can bring to an established format

    I hope we get more from this promising author, for now, I will play this mod through again from time to time.

    My Recommendation

  60. Ignacio

    Guys, I am stuck in the very beginning. I go downstairs in the elevator, and I cannot get the suit nor go further because of grates. What am I supposed to do?

  61. Ignacio

    I got it: there is a switch downstairs, hardly noticeable.

  62. Robspace1
    Play It Now!

    Years ago I lived in Rome for 6 months and loved it. The women were beautiful, the food fantastic and the majesty of Rome was completely insane with great art and love of life. Romans know how to live and I was curious how this Italian mod would be. It was great! This is one of the best ones in the bunch IMO. Know, it’s no Minerva or Rock 24 but it’s not far behind. It’s well balanced with good lightinmg and good fighting. Plenty of ammo and the enemies are not coming at you in waves that take days to defeat. This mod is about realism. If that’s possible to say about a video game. The situations are done good. When you enter a room your not attached from all sides but you have a chance to load and get set before the next battle. I like that. This has good puzzles and you need to look around in each area to figure out the next move. It’s a thinking persons game but not that hard to beat. Just keep at it. It was alot of fun and I thank the Italian team that made it. Now if I could only get an addr3ess to get some of that fine Roman cooking OMG it’s good!

  63. Jeff

    Some interesting ideas, but I was really hating some simple issues. Aside from being another mod that won’t let me remove vent grates with my gravity gun, it sported a few doors that you have to faceslam to open, and a few artificial gates (“go destroy the (sleeping?) strider first”) and Gordon’s sudden inability to jump 10 feet. Don’t forget the previously mentioned required unarmed homicide. Mixed, at best.

  64. zeberdee

    This is strange, Installed it fine, ran it, fine, got so far, saved game and quit out. Had something to eat, came back to the mod and now it wont start, something about the ‘cant find missing background image’ fault {steampipe broken me thinks}) error. Anyone have a copy of the gameinfo.txt file i need to run this mod again? I have the ones from off the steam discussions, and it says that a gameid of 215 dont (usually) need any fixing. I have a couple of other mods this happens with too, so a general fix would be nice.

  65. Avoid It!

    Even updating the gameinfo, it still doesn’t work.

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