Don’t expect me to tell you anything! Download it and play it yourself, then write a review. Actually I have loaded it but couldn’t figure out what to do, so I gave up! I’ll try again when I’m a little more refreshed.
More screenshots and Russian text here: The Wizard at City 17.ru
Basic Details
- Title: The Wizard
- File Name: the-wizard-1a.exe
- Size : 27.3Mb
- Author: SiEgE
- Date Released: 12 September 2005
- Download: PlanetPhillip Server
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Buggy beyound playability – which seems to be the basic gist of the C17 review (as rendered via bablefish). You progress by dislodging the metal beam to break the trapdoor – but shortly afterwards the game kicks you to menu. Perhaps this is why it was withdrawn from the download site originally and we can hope for an improved version further down the line.
And while we’re waiting: here’s a few maps not listed on this site (or in many other places). Some are quite reasonable:
Those links don’t work for me, can you give me names to search for? Thanks.
One of them is “car park”, which you’ve apparently already found. “Retailiation” – turns out I already dld that one a long time ago – cannot remember from where. Then there’s “checking out” – which is quite fun. Unfortutnately “the basement”, which I’ve just tried – is just an empty map. Try logging on at the Hl2world site and registering for the completed maps forum – for some reason I don’t seem to need to do that…
Thanks, I started playing around after I made my comment and found them. Thanks again.
Y’r welcome. There’re some other hlsp maps to be found on a South African site which are ok-ish. Check the september new releases post on the tenfour forum.