“Guess what? Gordon got himself another job! And once more it’s a high tec. low profile kind of thing at another secret location somewhere in the Arizona desert. Some people just never learn, do they? Unfortunately, Gordon’s old army buddies got wind of his new job and following the saying “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”, have decided to do everything in their power to make Gordon’s first day at work a very very VERY bad one. As I said before, some people just never learn…”
- Title: Try, Try Again
- File Name: hl1-sp-try-try-again.7z
- Original File Name: ttg.zip
- Size : 1.11MB
- Author: Ronen Basch
- Date Released: 30 May 1999
Download directly into MapTap [1.1MB]
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You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy try1.bsp, try2.bsp and try3.bsp into your Half-Life 1 Maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 1
- Open the console and type map try1.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
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WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 3 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 15 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 14 Mins by reaction
Longest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by Dmitry
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 44 Mins
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Short 3 map mod. Author has it set to high difficulty. Obstacles and enemy placements are very well thought out and require quick thinking and/or planning to overcome. Not much ammo or health available. Too short but good quality. I liked it. 3.5/5
A very varible quality map containing the good, the bad and the ugly. Very stop-go with no flow and lacking any continuity between scenes, thus becoming confusing at times. However, I guess there is enough here for you to consider it.
There are a couple of nice touches here; the scientists in the courtyard and there are some strange things too; the army grunts that appear out of nowhere on the stairs near the end.
It’s a mixed bag of interesting and hard. I thought the room with the computers, grunts and trip mines could have been a whole level by itself – that’s definitely worth a thought.
It was rather hard, especially the end and you can see from my screenshots I finished with 1 health point – perfect ending, I say.
For a first release it’s pretty good by most players standards, in fact I think I’ll add his other release tomorrow and see how he improved.
It’s not the most beautiful or amazing mappack you will play this week but it was fun for 20 minutes or so.
It’s a typical gruntfest (with a bit of zoo exhibits) in a typical generic lab with the typical plot and all. The brushwork isn’t going to turn heads but it’s acceptable. There are some interesting setups here and there, and I also like looking at the outdoor areas.
Gameplay-wise, there’s a lesson to be taught here, you can’t solve all your problems by killing everything. When faced with overwhelming odds, sometimes it is best to just quickly do your thing and get the hail outta there. If you are gonna try, try again, don’t you use the same strategy over n” over.
I guess this mappack can be summarized as a typical gruntfest with a quasi-boss battle that might take couple a tries to get over. Not going to be especially memorable but it’s good enough to spend your time on.
Not very ambitious nor any originality nowadays but for being released in “99 it’s pretty damn good.
I enjoyed it a lot despite the basic level design and architecture. The combat can be hard depending on the difficulty level but if you can find access to a storage room that’ll be very helpful later on.
Most of the enemies you’ll face are standard marines but in strategically placed locations. You’ll also come across zoo areas that houses a few different Xen creatures.
As it’s the author’s first release I can say for certain that it’s a lot better than the majority of first-day releases by other authors.
I fun map with a couple of challenging sequences, my original comments and criticisms still hold up, however, I enjoyed this second play through and now think it merits a better ranking, so play it later.
I can’t say I really enjoyed this set of maps. It’s pretty up and down, with a nearly useless first map. Some of the architecture is just too boxy though it gets better as you go. The combat is pretty well-designed and can keep you on your toes.
There were some interesting ideas here. I liked the zoo/research aspect and the use of Half-Life’s extra aliens. I liked the computer room with tripmines, though a grenade or two and that room was cleared easily. I also liked the idea of running from the Apache but that section was really small.
And then there’s the little things that detract from the experience. Things like spawning a grunt behind you but in plain sight, impossibly big crates in small rooms.
It’s not a bad first outing but this author did a lot better.
One of the first Half-Life mods I’ve played. Very good work for a “first map ever”.
The design is simple, but it looks excellent and original. There are various interesting locations. The variety and the usage of the cliff sky really helps.
It was nice to experience the start of a weekday, even for a little time that it lasts here.
The battles require some tactics, especially the last one.
i think he should have used that zoology theme more, just to give this mod unique feeling (USS Darkstar, I hear you too).
Was nice little detail to see ending in your way to the final battles, you dont see that too often.
Early mods, so mapping isnt up to todays standards, but overall I had good time with this.
Ok this is a good map pack, that I enjoyed mostly because of the combat in here, the design is nice but simple and also not being able to have the HEV suit was frustrating, I had to use noclip in order to get it so that was of a killjoy, so I think that’s a part that surelly would have to be cared better, but appart for that I think this mod achived the goal it has and it was cool.
Not bad at all for such a short offering, definitely a coffee break map-pack. I liked the way the action built up instead rushing into it and the layout and architecture was at least interesting. Although it appears a simple design, sometimes simple works best and the inclusion of some Xen creatures/enemies stop it from being only another gruntfest. Considering its now over twelve years old it’s certainly better than many that came after it, but the end was a bit strange with a lone Barney waiting for some time in the open by an Osprey when an attack chopper was on the loose.
Just misses out on “Play it Now” for me, and is a fun action map.
This is short but is still a fun shoot ’em up map with tons of grunts. If you like short action maps like this then this will be your cup of tea. It’s also pretty tough in places and health may become an issue in some places, but ammo won’t.
There is one huge flaw which caused me to have to restart it after I had got past the Houndeyes and Bullsquids. That was that if you miss the HEV suit you can’t go back past the map transition. This really does need fixing.
Overall it’s a fun map so “Play it Later”.
I gotta agree with Unq here. He just took the words away from me.
I like the style of this mod, not too easy, less health and weapons (only 3) so you really need to think twice on how you wanna act.
Also the leveldesign is very nice, just my taste..
The only critic is that it’s way too short, only about 10 mins
This map could’ve been a lot better, but could’ve been a lot worse as well.
Try, Try Again is a short lived experience with a simplistic storyline. There’s some cool fights and the design is not bad, but there’s just nothing to be really excited about when it comes to this level.
Some areas in Try, Try Again looks very unprofessional and one of those places is at the beginning where the architecture really gets square. Such areas can be seen more often then I would want, a little more detail would’ve done wonders for this map.
For a first-try map, little nitpicks in design is forgivable, as long as the level is not ugly, and this one is not. But I’ve always believed that no matter if you’re a beginner, anyone could nail down some decent fights and a pretty good balance. You’ll be glad to know that Try, Try Again is not an exception. There’s only fighting in 2 of the 3 levels, but when there’s action, it’s usually good action.
The fights in Try, Try Again is a grunt-fest, they run the show. But there were a couple of unnecessary alien distractions thrown in that really puts a question mark beside the theme (perhaps a little influence from USS Darkstar? :). The grunt fights were exciting, challenging, but most importantly, very beatable without being too easy.
For what this level is worth, you may or may not want to download this, depending on how desperate you are for half-decent Half-Life levels
This new author certainly shows promise, but this is a rather lackluster gameplay on my very nitpicky standards, and I’d recommend waiting for Ronen’s next level which I’m looking foward to.
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Saturday, 26th June, 1999 by Jiang.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
This is pretty decent.
The story is that Gordon Freeman got himself another job to deal with in the Arizona desert or something. But his “military buddies” are back and the goal is to get out of there.
The combat was decent. I liked that computer room, but like Unq said, it’s easy.
The mapping is quite unprofessional but I didn’t pay a lot of attention to it.
Otherwise, play this set of maps.
Try, Try Again is an apt name for this mapset. There are several situations where I got to a new section, died because I didn’t know how best to get past and had to reload and do it again. This happens very often in HL but it’s more purposeful here.
A good example of this is the ‘server room’ with tripmines fight. I tried a few different approaches including climbing on a tripmine to get on top of the servers/computers. I eventually found that if I shot a tripmine it would kill most of the grunts and I could mop up. This is just one example, there’s a more bombastic one later on but I don’t want to spoil things.
Visually, I quite liked the map. It features Xen aliens in pens and cages which I always love to see. I really want to see more mods explore Black Mesa’s relationship with Xen prior to the resonance cascade. I also appreciated the travelator with the glass roof, I get a real kick from creative glass usage. There’s also some added spice as the maps use some of the unused monster models (perfect for specimens in cages).
Try, Try Again is well worth the ~15 minutes it’ll take to explore and complete it.
14 Minutes
So we are assaulted by the Apache and after a few meters we have a secret helicopter on the helipad waiting us to extract us out. What a way! Perheaps the Apache has just to follow me and then blow up the extraction chopper as well. This would make sense. I think destroying the apache would be a nice complement before leaving, since he was tailing us from the beginning.
Eliminating the first enemy with crowbar? On Easy, Barney survived. On Medium, the second soldier barely has HP left and on Hard, the first Grunt you strike sometimes even run and the second grunt almost with full HP! If you are not lucky they may leave you with 25HP only on Hard while on Easy everything was Easy Peasy. Make your comparisons. People think, Medium is middle, it never was!!!
15 Minutes
Try, Try Again is an older map pack that I actually wasn’t familiar with to the best of my recollection. If I HAD played this one before then it did not leave a lasting impression and honestly, that could have been the case. This map pack is, to put it simply, “fine.” It’s OK.
Once again, the story is confined to the readme but apparently this mod takes place in some alternate timeline where Freeman simply went job hunting after the Black Mesa incident. What we have here is some unnamed and considerably less grand facility that seems to act as a zoological preserve of Xen wildlife. It brings to mind USS Darkstar’s opening with the Zoological deck, though much smaller and far less advanced. The only thing separating some of the enclosures are very flimsy vent covers and a handrail. Imagine a bullsquid enclosure sealed off by a handrail…
As for the gameplay, as I said, it’s fine for the most part, except when it’s frustrating. Once again we have a map pack that is fairly stingy with its health and armour pickups, meaning that a lot of the time I was peeking around corners and cheesing Half-Life’s limited AI to pick off enemies where they could not retaliate. That is until the game ambushed me with five HECU, two of whom spawned out of thin air directly behind me. Not cool.
This section included an Apache, but as usual with these older map packs it had little to no room to maneuver and simply blew itself (and two of the aforementioned HECU) up with its own missiles.
The map ends once you get access to a landing pad, where Barney is simply standing around and waiting with an Osprey so you can escape.
15 Minutes