The map is based in the HL2 Traptown Video.
Basic Details
- Title: Trap Town
- File Name: trap-town.rar
- Size : 2.1Mb
- Author: tAtUrAnA
- Date Released: 25 December 2004
- Download: PlanetPhillip Filecloud Server
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This map “sucks” big time. You start off no suit and gravity gun, apistol and box of ammo on ground but can’t pick’em up. Avoid single combine and go upstairs. 3-4 more combine, nothing to thro w\gravgun but a radiator you tear off the wall. Then you get the MG. from dead soldier. Cont. on, more soldiers no ammo. I don’t know squat about mapping but I assume textures are the walls and so forth, lots of purple. Igave up and deleted after 1 min.
Buggy beyond playability.
I’m sorry, but I can’t take this. You should cheat to win.