Author’s Note: “Courage is the name of a machine and a state of mind.
This mod is not strictly set in the Half-Life universe, but it can be. You don’t play as Gordon Freeman, but you can if you’d like.You might get the wrong idea if I said it reminds me of something that’d happen if L4D2 collided with Dear Esther, so forget I said that. You get to do stuff, I promise.”
- Title: Courage
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-courage.7z
- Size : 54.20MB
- Author: Qi Charles Zhang AKA turboluigi
- Date Released: 01 July 2014
To play this mod you will need to have any game that gives you the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer and have it installed and run at least once.
Download to your HDD [54.20MB]
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy the courage folder into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Courage should now be listed in your Library tab.
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
The playthrough/walkthrough below is provided by PlanetPhillip. See more of the maps and mods with my playthroughs on this site: VP: PlanetPhillip
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All sizes are the same screenshots, just in different resolutions.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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96365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 5 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 25 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 11 Mins by Ade
Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by Dysprogue
Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 29 Mins
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As soon as I started playing this I thought it felt like Intrusion, another mod for EP2. I was pleased to find it that it was made by the same author.
That mod is one of my all time favourites, so this had a lot to live up to.
And it almost did. There are some interesting aspects to it but as with Intrusion, the most interesting for me is how the author manages to make it feel like there is a story involved. In fact, it’s just some clever background ideas, but sometimes that’s all that’s needed.
Why I talk about story, I often mean a reason for being where I am and having to do what has to be done. That doesn’t mean a long text background in the readme. If the author can’t “tell” the story in the mod, don’t bother writing anything in the readme.
I’m not sure exactly what I was supposed to do and part of the fun is finding it.
Essentially, the mod consists of fighting zombies and spending time in the simulator.
Perhaps with a reply or two more elements might be revealed but I’m not really a “replay” kind of guy.
The design and build quality is excellent, as is the concept involved.
I’m sure you will enjoy it, but you will definitely have questions afterwards.
I am in discussions with the author about an interview. It may be audio or text. I’ll let you know as soon as possible.
Using Gauge
28 Minutes
This game installs SDK Base 2013 singleplayer?
Fairly good, excellent build quality and everything works well although given that the simulation was supposed to be relaxing perhaps plants and burgers should have snapped into place because with the source physics making a burger is frustrating as hell and my burger exploded just as I was about to complete it. At this point I welcomed the alarm sound and I don’t think this was what the author intended but I did find it amusing so it didn’t hurt my experience of the mod.
The zombie arena is fine but it’s not immediately obvious what the precise relationship is between virtual you and real you although that was cleared up fairly quickly when I got the bad ending.
Essentially this is a survival map, you have to make your health last the only trouble is you don’t know how long, you don’t have resources to hold out very long (at least not with out resorting to extensive and tedious crowbar usage) so more sense of how long you actually had would be good but thankfully I did skim through Phillips play through before hand so I knew I had about enough ammo if I played it smart.
The Virtual Reality intermissions were interesting but they lacked substance a bit, there didn’t seem to be a story to uncover and there’s no apparent tactical benefit for being there though it was a pleasant if somewhat bizarre distraction from the action.
I’m rambling a bit here so to summarize, it’s a good map it’s well made and the concept of people escaping to virtual reality from a zombie apocalypse is cool but seeing as the real reality is that I’m essentially escaping from a mundane boring existence to a zombie apocalypse it feels a bit odd to jump back into the area of the mundane. This is not to say that the VR segments were not pleasantly enjoyable in their own way but it just felt a little odd and I’m still not really sure whether I liked it or not. But even so I can appreciate it deserves at least 4 stars.
30 Minutes
Not for me, getting attacked from all sides even on medium. Played for 15 mins gave up lifes too short.
I didn’t like Intrusion, but I liked this one. If it lasted any longer, or I hadn’t survived (without any added health available, the only glaring fault in the game), my rating would have been different! The design concept was brilliant I thought. Play it now to see what I mean.
30 Minutes
Why does this download force me to install “source single player 2013”? That should kind of be said straight up if this isn’t an actual halflife-source engine mod? i won’t be able to play this for another 2 days at this rate.
(thanks for adding the info and link 🙂 )
Haven’t played the whole deal, will review when done with more.
An interesting mod that I didn’t really understand at first. I eventually figured it out after trial and error. Having the simulator was a very unusual element that I have only seen once or twice before. I wish I had been able to refresh my health a little bit, and that the simulator had more variety, but it is pretty good overall
I must’ve done something wrong as I finished this in 11 minutes and I barely did anything in it… The end made me go: “I want my money back” so I’m not recommending this except to people that want to play everything out there.
First, if you’re gonna hurt the player in a way he cannot avoid, please resupply him as soon as you can, and NOT hurdle enemies at him while only having the pistol in hand. Second, if you’re gonna take the time to map a neat environment, then please take the time to optimize it as playing at 40 fps and having the imagines glitch when even slightly looking around like I’m using a CRT with low refresh rate is NOT that great of an experience. A little polish would’ve helped also, in the final area where things are again nice to look at til immersion in the surreal ‘simpler-times’ atmosphere is broken by floating rocks. Oh and some poisonous guitar that drops me health to 4 (what?!). And an extremely white room. After which I get killed.
Nothing made sense to me and I didn’t enjoy it one bit.
11 Minutes
For me this is a BIG maybe. Because the whole mod feels like a very eclectic, almost baroque style. I mean, I felt I played a strange mixture of a zombie combat mod, with little touches of HL2, and then also a little bit of Art involved into the concept.
So I really don’t know with which part I was really engaged, the combat was pretty hectic and to be honest really annoying in that simulator facility, because you fight against more than 10 zombies, in more than 2 rounds, between fast ones, zombines and the one I call “dumb” ones, and with NONE health kits at all around there, those battles were pretty hard and feel more like a nuisance.
Then the nice “simulated” stories were just lying there in a nice surreal place, with a cottage near a lake, and well there’s pretty not much to do there just hang around listen to some calm music, watching a lady rebel cut a watermelon, and even cooking!! yeah that’s weird because this must be the only one mod with some “cooking” involved, and then some bonfire at the shore with your rebel pals at night; so yeah that was a nice place to be, BUT!! you heard that annoying sound that reminds you have to fight another hectic zombie battle again, so I guess that dynamic into this mod is not my cup of tea really.
Now about the finale of the mod I just found 2, one very interesting where, well we can say, you die, and other where you survive, I like the first one I mentioned.
So I guess in conclusion this was definitely a very well done mod about the technical aspects, and by that I mean the whole mapping is very neat and we can say done with a high quality. But the whole concept seems kind of risky to me because despite I feel it tells me a story I don’t know if that’s story is really worthy.
Definitely I prefer the intrusion mod a million times than this release.
25 Minutes
I didn’t read anything about this map in advance so the whole concept took me by surprise. The simulator idea is really well executed with lots of fancy visuals to help sell the whole thing. It was a really impressive new twist on the Half-Life 2 setting.
Unfortunately the excellent ideas and presentation are not backed up by gameplay. Outside of the simulator environment, there is only one arena which includes several waves of zombies which frankly aren’t at all interesting to fight. At least introducing some other enemy types or including the Gravity Gun could have made it a bit more interesting. Maybe if there was some more build-up instead of starting in the simulator room then an arena might have seemed more acceptable.
I really wanted to like this as soon as I saw the main menu and I feel really mean giving it a bad score. As it stands it feels like the combat was neglected in favour of the new concepts, and it ends up letting both down.
25 Minutes
I love you turboluigi.
Different, I’ll give you that but it took a while to suss out what was going on, I liked the peaceful bits but not a fan of jump scares…